Thursday, May 26, 2005

glue and microchips

Last night I dreamed that I had been involved in an industrial accident involving elmer's glue. I survived, but ended up being coated in a damage resistant layer of some exotic polymer. And it made me look really shiny when it got wet. So, since I was now more durable than the average person, I was recuited to go on a special mission. I took a series of cabs across town to a confernce center/hotel and was supposed to sneek inside the adjacent building. I found a service entrance and managed to slip into a stairwell, but I could only go up so high before I was forced to exit onto the main floor.

The building turned out to be some kind of training center/ school - and very high security. The stairwells were locked so I couldn't use them to go up any further and the elevators only had "down" button, unless you had a key. The floorplan had a hallway around the offices in the center and I made a couple of loops trying to find a way up further when a woman noticed I wasn't supposed to be there. She confronted me and asked what I was doing. I thought about it for a moment, then told her the truth.

There was a transmitter on top of the building that was close enough and powerful enough to a signal from the radio tower nearby. That radio was going to generate a pulse of energy as a test, but it would start a chain reaction that would destroy the atmosphere. If I could get to the roof in time, I would be able to install a tiny microchip in the transmitter that would not only block the signal, but cause it to bounce back. The equipment I had with me would allow me to track where the signal bounced to - and I could then call in that location and get them stopped from trying it again.

She was skeptical, but reassured when I showed her all my equipment and told her that the transmitter was part of the cable tv system for the hotel next door and wouldn't disrupt her building. I also told her that she could come and watch me work.

So, she agreed and took me to the roof in the elevator. I was in the process of installing the chip when I woke up.

Yeah, I think it's weird too... Back to work...

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