Saturday, March 29, 2008

soccer, headache, taxes, candy

I went to my FRM's youngest son's soccer game today. It was - as I expected - a blast. The little dude scored a goal early on, then switched teams since they didn't have enough players. On his new team - he scored another goal. I was way impressed - his mom says he likes soccer a lot and is having more fun with it than basketball since he gets to wear his "fast shoes".

I also found out the my FRM's oldest son is going to have a child of his own. The little soccer player's mom was trying to convince FMR's mom to bury the hatchet when her great-grandchild is born for a 5 gen family photo - but she wasn't interested. Crazy people.

I got a headache yesterday evening - all the warning signs and the inevitable decline. I took some strong aspirin and went to bed early, but it came back this morning. It's been with me off and on today, but I think another nap might get rid of it.

I sealed up my tax envelops today and apparently just missed the mail-man. Oh well, Monday is soon enough.

Last thing, funny story... When I was waiting to get my tattoo, a woman and her small son were in there in the waiting room as well - I think she was getting her nose pierced. Anyway, I was folding some paper and he can came over and said hello to me. So, I said hello back. His mother called him back over - I guess she thought he might have been bothering me or something. She said to him, "Now you know you're not supposed to talk to strangers unless they have candy,"

Which I thought was clever and funny.

That's it for now... nap time.

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