Sunday, March 16, 2008

fog, elliptical, mask, shelf, brakes, walk

It was foggy the other day - a consequence of moisture in the air and massive temp shifts. A little scary - but only because I've read too many books - and slightly interesting on the drive into work.

The elliptical is broken - again. This is the second time that it's locked up on me - nearly fell off the dang thing this time. So, I called them during their office hours and they said they had re-engineered the part and would be sending it out to me - and would have a technician come out and install it. At first I was going to insist on a new machine, but I'd had a long day and decided to go along with the story to spare myself the stress. Next time, refund. Which is kinda sad, that I'm assuming that it's going to break again. At least I got them to extend the warranty by another three months.

I got a chamois the other day when I was out and about - figured the lighter weight leather might work better for the mask. I tried the process again and it went much better. I'll let it finish drying and see if it holds the shape.

I also worked on a shelf today - trying to make the CD shelf a little more useful. My room-mate and I tried using a dremel and a circular saw - and got close to the width needed. I worked the shelf over with a metal file to try and shave off the last little bit to make it fit. Took me a while and the final result just barely fits, but I'm bored with the project and it will just have to do.

I went to get my brakes fixed yesterday - went around 10:30 to the repair shop. They drove it around and gave me a time estimate - 3 hours. So, at about 11:00, I started me walk. Headed to Lowe's, then to the plaza where the new Target has gone in. (Looks like we're getting a Chipotle!) then into Target and wandered around there a bit. About 12:30 I headed over to burger king for lunch - and they messed up one of my sandwiches. From there, past the auto dealerships and down to the bank to confirm that I wasn't going to be wiped out by the repair cost. Stopped at a gas station for a vitamin water and drank it on a bench next to a stream at the ice cream place. Despite the constant traffic noise, it was very peaceful there.

At about ten minutes to 2:00, I headed back to the repair shop in time to see my car being pulled out for another test. Encouraged, I sat outside on a picnic bench next to subway and waited. In a few minutes they came back and I went inside to pay for the repairs and get my keys. And then I saw my car being hoisted back up again. So, I sat and folded some paper until they lowered it and gave me the final bill. It was painful, but about what I expected and my brakes are in excellent condition again. Kind of a waste of a day, but at least it's done.

So, that's pretty much it for me. I've had to do a little bit of work this weekend, but at least it's been in short spurts. Back to work tomorrow - it's spring break for us, so it should be quite. And parking will be a breeze.


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