Wednesday, March 26, 2008

fog, sinus, sick, taxes, elliptical, tattoo

I took a 1/2 day last Friday and - after my swim - got on the road to go visit my parents, my sister and brother-in-law, and my grandmother for the weekend. I got there in time to have dinner at my sister's - she makes really good soup - and we went to their church for an Easter program. Not really my cup of tea -but it was okay. The only bad parts were the fog machine - which started at the beginning and did a number on my sinuses - and the woman sitting behind us that had marinated in perfume. The fog machine also did a number on the smoke alarms - they went off during one of the songs. At first I thought the strobe lights were some kind of effect, but it was just the fog machine.

I don't know if the fog was the trigger, but I was pretty miserable on Saturday. Bad enough that I took some Alka-Seltzer plus - despite the horrible taste. We just kinda hung out for the rest of the weekend - though Mom did take me to a scrapbooking store for some cool paper.

I was sick enough on Monday to take the day off and slept most of the time. When I was awake, I did a whole lot of nothing.

This afternoon I took my tax stuff over to H&R Block. My main goal was to get the city stuff done since that was the most confusing. Their city program was down and it looks like I'll have to stop back tomorrow. I also stopped to make an appointment to get a little work done on a tattoo - just want to add a little to it. I think they were disappointed that I wasn't having a back-piece done, but that's I want. I'll do that tomorrow.

I used the elliptical last night for the first time since the latest fix. It made some weird and unsettling noises, but it held up for the 15 minutes I used it. We'll see how that goes.

That's it for now...

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