Tuesday, January 17, 2006

a mildly amusing birthday story - and making paper

I'm at a time in my life where birthday's don't really phase me much - hell, I've already got the gray hair and the balding spot on the back of my head which is not a topic for discussion. So, birthdays are not a big deal - except for one thing.

I think that birthday's are a time for family and friends - not a bunch of loud strangers bellowing out a brutalized version of happy (insert resturant name here) birthday with poorly organized hand clapping.

So, if you're out to dinner with me at any time around my birthday - whatever you do, don't have all the servers come over and sing for me. I'm not going to like it.

With this in mind - and a warning to those having dinner with me - we went out to dinner for my birthday to Macaroni Grill. The food is always good and the bread is... oh, the bread is wonderful. I polished off 1.5 loaves all by myself.

Our server came around toward the end of the meal - once we had totally gorged ourselves - chided my lightly since I didn't finish my asparagas (though I acutally enjoy it and would have eaten all of them first except that they tasted like charcoal and lighter fluid. I would have complained, but I just wanted to leave and go home and digest).

She also asked if we wanted dessert - I shook my head no and so did my friend who shall remain nameless (the fate of the guilty). Friend also then added - clearly without thinking - "No, we've got cake..." - they pointed at me - "waiting at hom..."

They servers eyes - already wide enough to suggest insanity under normal circumstances - widened even further. My guilty friend - realizing the terrible and potentially dangerous mistake they had made - grabbed the server and dragged her down into the booth. They spent the next few minutes doing everything possible to convince the server not to sing - even begging her to forget that she had heard anything.

For my part - I was resigned to my vocal fate. The food - except for the asparagas - was good and I was stuffed. And there was cake to be considered later. So, I wasn't going to unleash any of my dark and terrible wrath.

Meanwhile, a compromise was reached. The server would bring cake, with a lit candle, but she swore that no one would be singing. I wasn't entirely convinced, but I had already decided it was out of our hands. She left and came back withe promised chocolate cake, one lit candle, and no singing.

She was tipped well.

Later,we discoved that we had been charged $.01 for the cake - and that it didn't taste very good.

Still, overall - a good birthday dinner. And now it's time to get...

Wait, nearly forgot. I got a papermaking kit for christmas and finally got ahold of a blender - so, yesterday I made about 10 sheets of paper with the kit. Worked pretty well - only had one go "bad". I'll make more for sure and I'm considering taking some pictures - but I'm pretty sure it'll just look like a piece of paper. Which, by itself, is not really that cool.

Okay, now I'm done... back to work...

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