Friday, January 20, 2006

cleaning frenzy revisited, video game, and an odd dream

Chaos is easy - order takes work. Not sure if I made up that simplified description of the forces of entropy, but I'm going to claim it as my own. My parents and my sister are coming this evening for a delayed birthday visit - and are spending the night. This is the first time they've been able to do so - since I really haven't had room for them before.

And living by myself, I tend to let things slide. Hey, I'm a guy, it happens. So, the past few days have been spent cleaning. I still need to vaccume, but that's about it. The biggest part of the work has been in putting things away. A lot of picking up things in one room and taking them to another - then picking things up there and moving them again. It's a little tiring.

I also beat the second xmen game on the PS2 (on easy mode, so sue me). I've started a new game on Normal mode and unlocked a few characters. To really get the most of it, you've got to explore ever square inch of every area. There's a map, fortuantly, but no way to see the whole thing - even after you've visited an area. I get lost easily - which is true in the game and in real life.

I'll wrap up this entry with an odd dream. I was in a parking lot, trying to get to my car, when I noticed a car that was driving eratically. The driver was on the right side of the car with an oversized steering wheel. Not bigger around, but nearly as thick as a tire. The passenage was asleep through these manuvers - though from the damge to the side of the car it was clear that it had been in numerous accidents. The driver tried to run into me several times, but I always managed to get out of the way. Finally, as I got near my car, the driver jettisoned the main body of the car and was now driving essentailly a long cylinder on wheels. It headed right for me, trying to pin me and crush me against my car. Reasoning that the barrel car was much lighter, I stepped forward and held out my foot as though I was going to kick the car - and stopped it. Then I stepped forward again and tipped the car up on it's nose. The driver was trapped and furious - but I ignored him. I left my car and started to walk away when I woke up.

It's too bad I'm not a better artist - I think I could make some of these dreams into a comic book or graphic novel.

And that's it for now. Time to get back to work...

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