Friday, January 27, 2006

3 stage rant, the weight of time, Menger Sponge

Yesterday, while heading for lunch I encountered...

A woman meandering slowly across a busy street using a "push to (annoy) talk" phone with a hands free headphone. She was slow. She was loud. She was annoying. And, doesn't using a "push to talk" defeat the purpose of using a hands free? Don't you have to use your hands to push on the walkie-talkie?

The guy with the surfer dude haircut standing behind me in line to get food was standing way to close to me. I mean way to close. And everytime I would try to move away, he'd hurry and catch up so that he was wearing my coat with me. And incidentally - the surfer dude haircut is only marginally cool if you are actually a surfer. And buddy - the surfing here in Ohio sucks.

A trio of fools was standing and talking - and blocking the entire hallway to the main exit of the building. I had to push my way past them to get out. I should have spilled my drink on them.

In other news... I was watching a movie called Das Experiment last night. I've seen it before and it's a good flick. One thing that did bother me though was that one of the characters was just coming from her father's funeral. It was remarked that he was 65 and had lead a good life. I'm 33 and for a moment - the weight of all those past and future years crashed into me. Not entirely sure I'm looking forward to it. Feels more like something to be endured. Which, I'll be the first to admit, is not the most healthy of emotional states. Something I need to ponder, I guess.

Which I can do while I'm working on my next origami project - the Menger Sponge. Level 2 - I think. You can do a search on the web for them - my version will take 768 pieces of paper - I think. I may have done the math wrong.

If I go full sized paper - I'll need to buy 2 reams of paper. If I cut the paper into smaller pieces, it will 192 full sheets. At full size, I estimate the final dimentions to be around 27 inches cubed. Which is big.

The challange - which I've faced before - is not in building the units, but in putting them together. I'll most likely need to glue them - and that means no mistakes can be made in the whole process. A little daunting.

Well, I've got my canned goods to pay my parking fines (one can be waived per semester with a donation to their food drive) and a pile of work to do. So, better get back to work...

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