Tuesday, March 08, 2005

sort of out of sorts

Mild headache this morning...

You know, I've heard that Eskimos have over a hundred different words for snow. I should do that with my headaches - since I have so many of them will all sorts of different levels. Everything from mildly annoying to a full blown thermonuclear barf-fest. I need to make a list, I think.

Work yesterday was very sucky - huge things went wrong and the forces of darkness conspired against me. I really need to start acting on all those death threats I hand out - getting way behind.

Hmmm...looks like I forgot my watch today. Maybe that why I'm so out of it. Kinda tough to be the master of space and time if you don't even have a watch. Granted, I could just look at the computer, the phone, or turn around and look at the clock hanging on the wall behind me, but where's the fun of that?

Well, I guess I should get back to work...you can sense my enthusiam, I'm sure.

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