Thursday, March 10, 2005

Annoyed beyond all rational thought

I rarely get mad about things - life's too short, you know? But I get annoyed. All the time. And this time, the line between annoyed and enraged was very very thin.

So, I'm pulling into the parking lot to get some new comics - it was, after all, a Wednesday. Which everyone should know is new comics day. I stop about 1/2 in the drive cause there's a guy backing up. Why he's backing up into the entrance is beyond me. Apparently, he doesn't see me (I'm in a bright red, four door car, so I guess I was "stealthed") and though I put it into reverse there was nowhere to go except back into the street. Before I can hit the horn, he's already hit me.

So, he pulls forward (what he should have been doing in the first place) and sort of gets out of the way, but not really. I pull into a space and inspect my car - no damage. Not even a scratch. I go over to his car and we note that the left rear panel is popped loose. I get my insurance card out, even though it wasn't my fault - but he insists on calling the police. So, he goes to find a phone and I write down his liscense plate number. He comes back out and stands by his car.

Eventually the police arrive and when the guy doesn't start talking, I explained the situation (even though he's the one that called). I tell the cop that I was starting to pull in, stopped, and he backed into me. The other guy, when he finally talkes, makes it sound like I ran into him. Wanker. The cop gets our info and then goes to report it in. The guy asks for paper and a pen so he can get my info - which I provide. The cop comes back in the middle of this and the guy is still talking. The officer gives us each his card with the report number and says we can get the report from our insurance agent. The guy wants to know if I need to write down his info - but the cop and I just look at him before I explain that it will all be in the report. We thank the offier and the guy shakes my hand - saying "he's sorry this had to happen".

So far, I've still got my cool. It wasn't my fault, no damage to my car, and the officer seemed like a sharp guy, so the report should reflect that the old dude ran into me.

Finally, we go our separate ways - which in my case is the comic book store. And then, horror of horrors, they don't have the ones I collect in stock.

Son of a bitch.

I could have been home, playing a video game. Instead, I try to go to the comic book store and get hit by an idiot.

This morning, I called my insurance agent about getting a copy of the report. She reacted as though I'd just asked her for a cheeseburger and fries and had no idea why I was told to call her to get the report. In hindsite, yeah, I guess it was a little odd, but they can look up pretty much everything else so I figured that would be easy enough. She suggested I call the police department and I spoke to someone in records about it - they confirmed that I could pick up a copy today. If it reflects what I said happened, I'm in the clear. Otherwise, it'll cost me to have the panel on his car popped back into place. (really, that's all there was to it).

I'm glad no one was hurt. And if my flawless driving record had to broken, I guess it's better that it's something small like this.

But I'm still annoyed. Still very, very annoyed.

And now, still no less annoyed, I get to go back to work...


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