Friday, March 11, 2005

the saga continues

So, yesterday afternoon I went to the police station and picked up a copy of the police report. It confirmed what I'd told the officer - so I went home feeling a little vindicated.

There was a message on the machine from his insurance company claims office - which is also the same company I have my insurance through. I called them back and they recorded my statement about the accident. After the recorded part the woman told me that she was troubled by the inconsitancies - I said I was stopped and he hit me - he said the opposite. She said that it would most likely be a shared claim, with each of our insurances being hit for a percentage - since it wasn't clear who was at fault. She suggested that I contact my agent to get things rolling there, even though there was no damage to my car.

I was a little ticked at this since it was pretty clear to me who's fault it was - but I called my agent and got things started. I joked that he must not have seen me in my bright red four door car - she laughed and said her husband got hit in his F350 red truck by someone who claimed that they couldn't see him.

We talked for a bit about what would happen to the claim and that it most likely wouldn't affect my rates very much, if at all. Still, there goes my flawless record. Wanker.

Got a busy day ahead of me - starting off with a meeting in few. So, back to work...

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