Wednesday, March 16, 2005

more car stuff and spam

Another call from my insurance company yesterday. I called them back and they wanted to get photos of the cars involved. So, I told them where the car would be today and they said they'd send someone to take photos. Interestingly enough, they didn't ask for a work phone number. So, if they can't find the car, what are they going to do? This whole thing has got me really pissed off. What a huge waste of time and resources. I'm tempted to just ask for the amount of the damages and just pay it myself -even though it wasn't my fault. It would be worth it to me to just end this. And I wonder how much worse this whole process would have been if there had been real damage or if someone had gotten hurt.

I remember back in high school they showed a slideshow before prom to discourage drinking and driving. Set to Phil Collins music, it was graphic and gruesome. I think it would have just as effective to sit us down and make us go through all the paperwork of an insurance claim - and all the phone calls. Can you tell I'm really annoyed?

In other news...

My ex-roommates mom called me last night. She said she's been trying to get a hold of me for awhile now, but I'm either gone or on the phone. She hadn't left a message, so I don't know what the deal was there, but this time I was home and not already on the phone and we talked for a bit. She said she'd call me one of these days to invite me to breakfast some weekend - which is nice, but a little odd. I'll have to see how it goes and if something is up.

Slightly overcooked (fired), refrigderated, and then microwaved spam tastes a little like bacon. Just in case you were wondering.

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