Thursday, February 17, 2005

Stage one of the apocalypse

At least that's what it felt like. Really really really bad nightmare. I was in a 5 story mall and the dead were rising. They looked normal until they attacked and then their eyes would glow.

It was just the start of the end of the world, but it got worse as the dream went along. I had my sword out and I was running though the mall, trying to find an exit. I stumbled into a large kitchen and watched a running disaster as people slipped and fell and impaled/stabbed each other with knives and other implements - looked like about 40 people died in a domino effect.

Finally got out of the mall and over to a farm, where I tried to get my family to safety - but they wouldn't listen. Felt like cassandra or something. Went to a supermarket - where the panic was just starting. I was going to get supplies, but I didn't want to put my sword down long enough to steer a cart. So, I just left the crowds and wandered outside - decapitating anyone who lunged at me.

I woke up shaky and scared.

So not wanting to be here at work - too many people...

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