Friday, February 18, 2005

gving blood - weird dream

I went to give blood yesterday and while I was waiting for the medical history part, the guy in charge asked me if I would be willing to do the apheresis - or "double red" - and he was particularly encouraging when he found out I had O- blood. So, I agreeed since I'd done it before. I read my book through most of it, shivered at the cold, and got done in what may have been record time. I got a bright green bandage that supposed to rip the hair off my arm and then sent me over to the canteen area. The people there tried to push some soup on me, but I know what I need after giving blood - cookies and juice. :)

Didn't do much when I got home - mostly video games and reading. Got to bed a little later than I should have and had a funky-ass dream. I was with one of my co-workers while she was getting her driver's lisecense renewed. The clerk said he could also re-do mine - to give me a better picutre. Apparently, I wasn't happy with my exisiting picture - so I agree. When he came back to me the picutre was terrible - far worse than before. And he'd also mesed up my name and address -

I was now Andrew L. Schmitson from St. Louis, MO.

I told him it was wrong and that he needed to fix it - but he said that it was now the valid liscense and I would have to go to another office on another floor to get it fixed.

I woke up cranky.

And now it's time to get back to work...

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