Wednesday, February 23, 2005

the plague of non-awareness

I think I've touched on (or harped on, as the case may be) my issues with people that don't pay attention to the world around them. This morning, on the drive to work. I saw three cars sitting at a green arrow. Not only was the person in front not paying attention to the changing of the light - neither were the other two behind him since they neither honked to alert him or rolled forward in anticipation. In fact, once the lead car finally started rolling, the others delayed as well. They just barely got through the light before it changed.

Pulling into the parking lot, a car in front of me turned at a strange angle and stopped in the middle of the lane - perhaps working up the courage to go down the "do not enter" road. I managed to get around him, but I doubt he even saw me.

Getting into work - in the cube farm - two of the others that work around me began their latest all day shouted conversation. Even earplugs can't drown these guys out. And they don't seem to acknowldege that they might be disruptive to others working around them.

It's not even 9:30 and I'm already annoyed. Even more so 'cause there really isn't a solution. People are stupid when they drive. Telling my co-workers to shut the hell up or I'll kill them isn't reasonable. (Granted, there may be other approaches there)

I just want a little order. A little peace and quiet. A day without spam or being cut-off in the lunch line.

So, I'm sitting here at my desk, vampire stake at the ready - wishing I was anywhere but here. I think I need a vacation.'s back to work...

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