Thursday, February 24, 2005

quiet days

Yesterday was a pretty uneventful day at work and I expect today to be much of the same. Very difficutl to get up this morning as a result - not much motivation.

I do have a story from a couple of days ago that's finally funny - though it wasn't at the time. I was in the middle of a call helping someone when the second line rang - and the caller ID indicated it was very important. So, I hung up with the first caller (something I really don't like to do) and then got the second one. Not entirely sure how they got to me - but they were complaining that they got too much spam and they wanted me to "clear out their mailbox" - which I don't have the time or authority to do. Or, they wanted a new email account. Reminds me of an episode of Will and Grace where Grace wants to move so she doesn't have to clean her room.

I told the user that everyone gets too much spam and that I routinely clear out one of my accounts that gets about 500 messages a day as spam warnings and actual spam. I also told her that a new account wouldn't really help - as it too would soon be filled with spam. Ultimatly, I directed her to the person who had the authority to do the things she requested - and the authority to tell her no.

"Too much spam"? We all get too much spam. And while I partially blame the spammers, I also blame the people that actually buy thing from the spammers. If no one bought anything from them - then they would go away. The only reason they still work is that it takes very little money to get the ad out to a vast number of potential customers. But if none of the customers bought anything from them anymore - then even that little bit of money would be wasted and they'd stop. Maybe that's over simplified, but it's a start.

Oh, and I read today that Bush's budget plan calls for cutting funding for education and nutrition programs for kids by 20 billion or so - while also cutting taxes for mulit-millionaires. Anyone who didn't see this coming, pleaase raise your hand. It will make it easier to identify you for the smacking you've earned.

End rant - back to work...

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