Monday, February 23, 2009

scare, walk, projects

On Friday evening, I'm playing a video game while my room-mate watches from the couch. He says to me "I think my neck is bleeding" and I look over to see blood running down his neck. I think I swore in surprise, paused the game, and ran for paper towels. I helped him get his neck cleaned up and advised him on direct pressure while I went back to my game.

After about 10 minutes or so, we checked the area again and the paper towel was soaked through. And the blood wasn't stopping. This time, I got out the first aid supplies and used several layers of gauze along with some neosporin and tape.

On saturday, we check things out again and when we removed the gauze it started bleeding again. I cleaned the area then put on more gauze. It still wasn't better by the evening, so I called my parents (both former volunteer paramedics) and got some advice.

On Sunday, we were able to remove the gauze without it bleeding again. I again helped with the clean up and replaced that elaborate first-aid gear with a simple band-aid.

Weird things... The affected area was the size of a needle stick. It was on the side and toward the back of his neck. He doesn't have any idea what caused it. He had been taking a lot more aspirin than usual for the past few days due to a cold/headache combo and it could be that it was causing a blood thinning effect.

If it hadn't stopped on Sunday, I think I would have been driving him to the hospital.

In other news... I went for a walk on Saturday over to Lowe's and GameStop. Picked up a new Wii game and some dremel supplies. I also worked on a project to turn an old keyboard into thumbtacks - turned out pretty cool and I'll have to get some pictures. I'm also working on making a primative flute out of pvc pipe.

that's it for now... later...

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