Thursday, February 26, 2009


I recently ordered two cables - one for my cell phone so I can plug it into my computer and another to set up dual monitors at work.

Neither of these are, strictly speaking, essential. But the cable for my cell phone would let me easily download my pictures and the splitter cable would let me run two monitors at work and that would be cool. Plus, everyone else is doing it and I felt left out.

The cables came in last night and I eagerly unwrapped the box.

1. The cell phone cable doesn't fit my phone. So much for trying to get a deal...

2. I took the splitter cable with me to work this morning. It doesn't work. I had one of the repair guys come over and take a look - he suspects the cable may be bad and is going to try and find a replacement for me.

So much for the cool technology - I can't even get the dang things plugged in.


Monday, February 23, 2009

scare, walk, projects

On Friday evening, I'm playing a video game while my room-mate watches from the couch. He says to me "I think my neck is bleeding" and I look over to see blood running down his neck. I think I swore in surprise, paused the game, and ran for paper towels. I helped him get his neck cleaned up and advised him on direct pressure while I went back to my game.

After about 10 minutes or so, we checked the area again and the paper towel was soaked through. And the blood wasn't stopping. This time, I got out the first aid supplies and used several layers of gauze along with some neosporin and tape.

On saturday, we check things out again and when we removed the gauze it started bleeding again. I cleaned the area then put on more gauze. It still wasn't better by the evening, so I called my parents (both former volunteer paramedics) and got some advice.

On Sunday, we were able to remove the gauze without it bleeding again. I again helped with the clean up and replaced that elaborate first-aid gear with a simple band-aid.

Weird things... The affected area was the size of a needle stick. It was on the side and toward the back of his neck. He doesn't have any idea what caused it. He had been taking a lot more aspirin than usual for the past few days due to a cold/headache combo and it could be that it was causing a blood thinning effect.

If it hadn't stopped on Sunday, I think I would have been driving him to the hospital.

In other news... I went for a walk on Saturday over to Lowe's and GameStop. Picked up a new Wii game and some dremel supplies. I also worked on a project to turn an old keyboard into thumbtacks - turned out pretty cool and I'll have to get some pictures. I'm also working on making a primative flute out of pvc pipe.

that's it for now... later...

Friday, February 20, 2009

laps, watch, drive,quiet, muppet, not lost

I did 20 laps today - should have done more, but there was a swim meet going on and I had to share a lane.  That, along with a sore knee, a cramp in my side, and a mild headache, got me out of the pool before I really should have.   As a side note, the pool area smelled of tired people, bengay, and the stuff that's used in elementary school to clean up and mask the smell of vomit.  So, that was fun too.

I finished the "watch" series of books (nightwatch, daywatch, twilight watch, and Last watch) - really good stuff.   And I'm glad they made a movie of the first couple - even though they diverted from the story - just so that I could more easily picture the people.  Anton, Olga, Gesar, Sveta - all really interesting characters and I was sorry to see the books end.

Did a little Need for Speed last night - kicked some serious ass.   I evaded the cops - or smashed them up - and found a really cool 'dukes of hazard' style jump in one of the missions.   Sweet.

It's been pretty quiet here today - at least for me.   Yesterday, one of our major systems took a really big poop all over everything - today has been spent recovering from that.   Since I don't have access to help (or make it worse) - I've been working mostly with the users to reassure them that things will be okay and we'll be "back to normal soon".

I've been watching the Muppets on DVD - and working on my Animal impression.   And trying to find a good time to use it here at work.   "web page!   WEB! PAGE!"       Not sure if it will work or not - Animal doesn't seem very computer savvy.

I've also been keeping up with Lost on TV.   My room-mate is very much lost watching the show, but I'm enjoying the mystery.   Our arguments continue about the nature of the show - and I keep reminding him that  - as the master of space and time - this is really more my area of expertise.

Well, I guess I should get back to things.  It's been a really long week and I'll be glad to get out of here.  


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

24, drive, spy, mood

I did 24 laps in the pool on Monday. I think I could have done more, but I was tired and a little dizzy. I'm glad I'm pushing myself in the pool, but it has consequences.

My room-mate and I played Need for Speed last night a bit on the Wii. He says the controller gives him a cramp in his hand so we switched to use the controller like a steering wheel. It works okay, but is not as responsive as I would have liked. I played a little bit on my own and unlocked some new areas - I think it's far better than previous NFS games I've played.

I think I finally got the spyware cleared off my computer at home. It was annoying and worrying. I also got Norton updated on my machine - I'm hoping that, plus a little caution, will keep this from happening again.

I've been working hard and getting a lot accomplished, but I'm not really feeling positive about that. Just sort of down - I think the winter blahs are hitting me again. The exercise is helping - but I also think I need to get going on a project at home. Feels like all I do is work and sleep anymore.

Well, time to get my pre-swim oatmeal and get back to work.


Monday, February 16, 2009

20, visit, spy, manual

I finally got up to 20 laps with a combination of crawl and backstroke. My arms are getting stronger, but it still wears me out. I had to drop back down to 12 last Friday since I was pressed for time. I'm headed to the pool again today, we'll see how it goes.

I visited my folks and my sister and brother in law for the weekend for my sister's birthday. We went out to Olive Garden for lunch and played some games - including a grueling game of Shanghai Rummy. Had a pretty good time just hanging out with the crew - but in the middle of a shopping trip to Menard's, my room-mate called on my Dad's cell phone for me. (my own cell phone was roaming and had 0 bars in the store and I'd turned it off).

He'd been using my computer and clicked on a pop-up that "looked" like the norton anti-virus requested to download an update. So, he did - and got the computer infected with some spyware. It's a pretty nasty program that claims to run a virus scan, displays a bunch of phony warnings, then prompts the user for a credit card for to download the full version.

I got my room-mate stopped before he put in his credit card in - and when I got back, I spent the rest of Sunday evening trying to remove the spyware - with no luck. I managed to kill it in the short term, but it keeps coming back.

So, I fired off an email to one of my colleagues to see if he can help. I hate asking for computer help, but I don't want to make things worse with an untested removal program - or damaging the registry files.

Also, confession time. Last week I looked for, download, and read the manual for some of the software we have on campus. It fixed the problem I was having, but I still felt bad about it. I joked with some people that I was going to start asking for directions when I'm out driving. Yeah, it was that bad.

that's it for now...

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

12, blob, 1/2

I hit the pool again yesterday and this time got in 12 good laps. I think I got the breathing down for the crawl - though it's not natural yet and I have to pay attention. I alternated doing the crawl and the backstroke and while I wasn't fast, I did okay with some short breaks.

I was pretty disappointed on Friday when I could only do ten laps -but yesterday shows I'm on the right track and with time I should be able to get back up to my 30+ laps.

Not much else going on. Work has been stressful recently but I'm getting through it.

I've been playing "de Blob" on the wii. It's fun, but the constant shifting angles gives me a headache after a while. Not as bad as Spyro the Dragon or Katamari Damacy, but still significant.

Oh, I also finally got up to 1/2 priced books. Got about $40 back from my books - and then spent about $53. So, saved a little money and got some new reading material.

Better get back to work - later...

Sunday, February 01, 2009


Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later.   We finally had our first injur-wii - that is, an injury involving the Wii.     It started off with a round of bowling on the Wii - I totally skunked my room-mate.   Like, I started the game with three strikes in a row.  I'd also kicked ass in the golf game, of all things.   

So, when we got around to tennis, he was pretty hyped up and looking for a dramatic win.  He didn't really need to bother, I suck at the Wii tennis.   Early in the first match, he swung wild and knocked the phone off of its charger.    Later on, the dynamics of the room worked against me.

I'm right handed and I was standing on the left and forward of the designated Wii playing zone in the living room since I had the player one controller.   My room-mate - who is left handed - was standing on the right and futher back.    We're usually far enough apart that his flailing about behind me isn't dangerous, but this time - impact.

He swung the wii-mote wildly and hit my right hand and leg - hard enough to make me immediately drop my own wii-mote and grab my hand and wrist in pain. 

I got some ice on it right away and needless to say, the Wii session was over.   I could still move my fingers and my wrist with only a little pain - so I knew nothing was broken.   By this morning, my hand didn't hurt at all and I was back to wii, computer mouse, and paper folding.  

Lesson learned - next tennis match, I'll stand back and to the right.  Just in case.
