Monday, December 08, 2008


Even with sleeping in a bit and playing a lot of video games, I still managed to be somewhat productive this weekend.

1. I tried a little Japanese calligraphy. I think I understand it, but my efforts were hindered by not having the right ink. I'll get some and try again soon.

2. Relearned some origami. There's a particular module that - although it is very simple - is very difficult to remember. I think I've got it this time, but I said that the last two times I learned it.

3. Practiced stained glass. I found my equipment again in the basement and taught myself some techniques. I need to get more glass though, and either find my better soldering iron or buy a new one.

4. Tried to learn how to knit. Seems like a very practical skill to have in case of a zombie uprising. Not that a scarf will stop a zombie, but I'm guessing the TV will go out once the zombies take over and it will be something to keep me occupied. Unfortunately, I can't seem to follow the directions. This was my second attempt and though I got a little further it turned out I was doing it wrong.

5. Learned a little more CSS. I'm planning on a major overhaul of my personal website and I'll make heavy usage of these tools.

6. I also cleaned the oven - twice. (my room-mate's sister is hereby banned from ever using any appliance the apartment again. I dunno what she tried to cook in there, but it looked like an alien had explosively decompressed in there. ) And I did a mountain of laundry.

I also watched much of season two of justice league again - good stuff. And "The midnight meat train" on one of the free-per-view channels. Good stuff and while it didn't totally follow the book by clive barker, it was close enough.

that's it for now. later...

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