Wednesday, December 10, 2008

iron man wetsuit, awesome mom

I was in the pool the other day and saw a couple of people testing water rescue dummies a couple lanes over. Two funny bits. 1. The dummies had red heads with yellow faces and when I first saw them I thought "Why is Iron Man wearing a wetsuit?" 2. The people doing the testing couldn't get the dummies to sink - which makes it hard to test a water rescue. So, the guy in the water with them would have to push them to down first, then pull them back up for the rescue. I'm pretty sure that's not how "step one" is supposed to go. After a while, they finally found the valve to fill them with water and they sank like stones. Pretty funny looking - to the point that I had trouble paying attention to my own swim.

My mom is awesome. This fact has been further verified by her following through with a weird request like a champ. You see, I have 5 meetings scheduled today. I was feeling a little sorry for myself last night and I wanted to get out of some of these and it occurred to me that a note from Mom might help.

So, I called her up last and asked if she would write me a note to get me out of the meetings. And, since I'm planning on getting a hair cut after work today and had a little trouble last time, I also asked if she would write me a note for that. She did, faxed them over this morning, and they are awesome.

Notes from Mom (pdf)

Thanks Mom! Now I'm off to meeting 2 of 5



Anonymous said...

How'd that haircut go? Did she retain the note from your mom for her files?

Jabberwocky said...

Your mother is indeed awesome. Very, very awesome.