Tuesday, July 08, 2008


I tried to leave work a bit early yesterday, but I got delayed a few times. Managed to grab a bit of food (2 breakfast bars and a green tea) on my way to the blood drive - so I didn't have any problems with getting sick afterward. The experience was pretty good and the staff were friendly.

Only one slight downward note was the trainee that took my history. He was very nervous and when he went to take my temperature, he didn't get the plastic sleeve on the metal temperature probe. Neither of us noticed until I bit down on metal. I handed it back to him and explained the problem. He was quite freaked out and I knew it was a simple accident.

As he cleaned off the probe, the supervisor that was hovering over him said that the metal probe without the plastic would have burned my mouth. So, it was apparently a bigger deal than it seemed. The rest of the process went smoothly and he did a far better job at the finger stick than the last trainee I had. (they had used too much pressure and blood had spurted onto their lab coat - I felt bad about that, but it really wasn't my fault).

The actual donation part went very smoothly and I was out of there 45 minutes after I had walked in. No problems at all - though I am very tired this morning.

back to work before I doze off... later

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