Monday, July 21, 2008

all-star, head, paint, paint again, swim

On Saturday, I went to my FRM's son's baseball game - and it was the All-Stars. So, we saw some pretty good - and still pretty funny - baseball. The game started very early, but it was still pretty hot out. We also had some wankers going the whole passive-aggressive route when we sat on the bleachers and apparently blocked their view of home plate (they were sitting off to the side). I heard everything they were saying, but wasn't going to move until they grew up and asked politely. They finally did, and I moved a bit. My FRM's mom was overheating and I brought an umbrella for her - but apparently that was in the way as well so we had to put it down. She finally had to move since it was too hot for her.

We went to lunch after the game and I did some running around with some errands. Had a pretty productive day for a weekend and of course, I had to pay for that. That evening, while watching a movie, I got another migraine. Haven't had one for a while and apparently I was overdue. I took some asprin and went to bed early. I still had the remnants on Sunday, but I was perked up enough to finish up a little project - using glass paint on a light bulb.

I'd purchased one of these at Target, but the wattage was too low for what we needed, so I painted my own bulb and finally finished it on Sunday. Looks pretty cool - even better than the store bought one. I also tried a variation on the painting technique based on accident - trying to go for something that looked like jupiter or something. Didn't work as I intended, but I may try again. I was also feeling well enough to watch most of the Shining - still a dang good movie.

Also played a bit mroe Okami - and using the celestial paintbrush in the game to reshape the world. Pretty sweet game.

Then this morning the headache - or a new one of the same flavor came back. I got it stopped with some potent asprine before it went full-blown - but it lingered all day. I swam at lunch time and that helped a bit - but then the sunshine was bright enough to make it worse. It got a little beter as the day went on. I still have it a bit and I'm still here at work - waiting on the relaunch of our website. Better go check and see how things are going - and if the pizza is here yet.

One last thing... while I was at the pool there was some kind of kids swim camp going on. I came out of the locker room in my square-cut speedos and one of the kids said - quite loudly - "that's disgusting!" I ignored him - as I do most childern unless they are directly talking to me - but was thinking to myself a line that Yoda said: "When 900 years old you become, look as good you will not."

And Yoda was a wise little dude. And besides, I do look pretty good in my suit - I've worked for it. And it's way more modest than some of the other suits I've seen guys wear there. If the kids had gone through there half an hour later, they might have been scarred for life at the old guy with the pot belly and a micro-speedo. Hell, I was shaken by the sight and I've watched a lot of horror movies.

That's it for now... later...

Friday, July 18, 2008

fortune cookies

I made a page that lists the fortunes I've gotten from cookies - and my comments about them.

Fortune Cookies


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

lego, chipotle, abs, motivation, traffic, importance

I'm working on a project at home that required some very specific shapes - and I had one from an old Lego set that fit the bill. Needing more, I checked out the Lego site and found I was able to order specific legos - in any quantity I wanted. It was way cool.

Finally convinced my room-mate to go to Chipotle recently. He thought the burrito was okay, but thought they put too much rice in it. I, of course, ate my burrito in it's entirety and enjoyed every morsel.

I bought an "abs ball" a while ago - essentially a weighted ball used to enhance abs strengthening exercises. It's been mocking me for a while in the living room and I haven't had the motivation to try it out yet. On Monday, I fired up the included DVD and tried it out.

I didn't really get a good workout from the ball - but I think that was because I was taking notes from the DVD as I never wanted to watch it again. The fitness dude on the dvd was a complete tool and seriously annoying to listen to. I did the exercises and took notes - I'll run though the exercises again tonight without the DVD. I saved it, though, as the DVD also has an advanced program on it too. I suspect it's the same guy. Update: I just looked at the website for this product and found they won an award for the DVD! Proof positive that people will give other people awards for everything.

Motivation - I lack it. Really tough to get and stay motivated here at work. We've got some big projects, but I'm finding it difficult to stay on track. I'm getting stuff done, but not as much as I should be.

The drive to work this morning saw me going the speed limit and slightly above. And the traffic was flying past me like I was standing still. Normally, I'm a little casual with speed limits but with the cost of gas I'm a little more careful about my speed. Plus, we were all going to work - why would someone be in a hurry to do that?

I got a few "high importance" emails today from people that were wondering what to do with the sudden increase in a particular type of spam. I've never really understood a high important flag on an email - am I suddenly going to drop everything else in favor of that one email? Not likely - especially when I get several at once. The spam had a heading about "urgent fund transfer" and one of the users actually asked if it was legitimate. Sigh.

I guess that's it for now - starting to get busy this morning. Later...

Tuesday, July 08, 2008


I tried to leave work a bit early yesterday, but I got delayed a few times. Managed to grab a bit of food (2 breakfast bars and a green tea) on my way to the blood drive - so I didn't have any problems with getting sick afterward. The experience was pretty good and the staff were friendly.

Only one slight downward note was the trainee that took my history. He was very nervous and when he went to take my temperature, he didn't get the plastic sleeve on the metal temperature probe. Neither of us noticed until I bit down on metal. I handed it back to him and explained the problem. He was quite freaked out and I knew it was a simple accident.

As he cleaned off the probe, the supervisor that was hovering over him said that the metal probe without the plastic would have burned my mouth. So, it was apparently a bigger deal than it seemed. The rest of the process went smoothly and he did a far better job at the finger stick than the last trainee I had. (they had used too much pressure and blood had spurted onto their lab coat - I felt bad about that, but it really wasn't my fault).

The actual donation part went very smoothly and I was out of there 45 minutes after I had walked in. No problems at all - though I am very tired this morning.

back to work before I doze off... later

Thursday, July 03, 2008

side, game, dolphin

I had a meeting yesterday - and got a headache. I'm not saying that the meeting gave me the headache, but I'm strongly implying it. This one centered itself on the sign of my head, on the level with my temple on the left side, but further back. I put some pressure on the area and rubbed it - which seemed to help for a bit - but it came back a little later while I was out trading in some video games. I managed to get myself home and sat quietly for a little while, hoping it would fade out. I also took some aspirin, but it ramped up quickly and I had to lay down for a while. I got up and ate dinner, then just lay around for a while - then gave up, took a shower, and went to bed early. I guess I'm over it, but it was annoying. Especially since I just bought new games and was eager to play.

This is the second time I've gone into GameStop - and like last time, they tried to pressure me into getting a discount card. I'm normally a fan of discount cards - but not the kind you have to pay for. In those cases, I always feel pressured to buy more to justify the cost of the card - which kinda bites. The sales guy tried a several times to get me to sign up for the card - and finally pulled a bait and switch on me - which I fell for based mostly on my headache and a desire to get the heck out of there. So, now I've got a discount card that I may only use a few times a year, a magazine subscription that I'll read but wouldn't have chosen, and entry into their mailing list (great). Still, I got some cool-looking games, so that's something.

My swim yesterday was pretty average - I did 32 laps. There was a girl 2 lanes over, though, that was swimming the butterfly stroke like some kind of mer-person. She basically exploded out of the water on each stroke and then plunged back at incredible speed. I was really impressed. I don't know how fast she was, but it would have made a dolphin feel bad.

That's it for now...

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

tires, cookie

This morning, on the drive to work, a truck hauling a backhoe in a cart passed me on the left. Unfortunately, the back right tire of the cart wasn't up to the challenge and was disintegrating. Chunks of the tire were coming off and flipping up onto the road in front of me. I slowed down and he started to get over in front of me, then managed to get all the way off the road. There was no damage to my car, but I did have the stink of burning tires with me for a few miles.

I frequently get food at the Asian restaurant area of the student union - and when I do, I get a fortune cookie. I like these little auguries and don't read them until I'm done with my lunch and have eaten the cookie. In the past, I've gotten encouraging ones like:

"You will have a long and healthy life" or
"Obstacles can't hold you back"

Yesterday's cookie, however, had this message:

"Do not be afraid of computers. Be afraid of the lack of them."

Ummm... great? What the heck does that mean? I mean, I like computers and I'm not afraid of them - though I've seen The Terminator too many times to really trust them.

But for a fortune cookie? Weird.

At some point, I'm going to have to post all my fortunes - maybe on my web site.

That's it for now... later...