Friday, December 07, 2007

signs, elliptical, dinosaur

The locker room at the pool has some new signs posted.

1. Sharing is not caring. This one talks about the dangers of sharing towels, brushes, tweezers, razors, etc.

Wait, what? Are you kidding? We have to have signs up to explain this to people? I can't come up with any situation where I would share anything in the locker-room.

"Hey, buddy, can I borrow your razor? I forgot mine,"
"No problem,"
"Hey, is this rust on the blade?"
"Nah, it's just dried blood,"
"Cool, I wouldn't want to get tetanus or something?"
"Ha ha,"

2. Don't spread infections - with a picture of a guys hand wrapped up in gauze. This one is about keeping wounds covered.

"Why is the water around you red?"
"Oh, I accidentally cut my face when I borrowed my buddy's razor,"
"You should cover that up - here, I found this band-aid on the bottom of the pool - that should work,"
"Great! Thanks, I feel better already,"

In other news... I used the elliptical trainer again last night for 15 minutes. Not bad, but kinda boring. I think I need a new CD in the player or maybe figure out how to tie it into the playstation.

Finally, played a little more Final Fantasy 12 last night - trying to level up a bit before I head to the last area of the game again. I had tried some side quests before and one of those was to track down a monster - except no one knew where it was. Well, last night I found it - it's a big freaking dinosaur. And it hits really hard. And it's got something like 30 billion hit points or something. I was getting close to killing it when it wiped out all my characters. I brought in the reserves and they died too. I think there's a way to destroy it, but I need a new plan. Something with Decoy and Reverse maybe. Anyway, I may try again this evening.

That's it for now... it's been a really busy week and I'm glad it's almost done...

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