Sunday, December 16, 2007


Gotta go out of town on some training with one of my co-workers - heading to Miami. We've been planning this for a few weeks and while I don't really mind flying, there's a lot of variables to consider. My room-mate has been trying to help, but he sorta ended up making me feel a bit more apprehensive. Plus, the 20/20 story on lost/stolen luggage didn't help.

So, this morning at about 10 minutes to 10 o'clock, I'm in the bathroom taking care of some last minute business when my room-mate knocks on the door and says my boss is on the phone. A few moments later I'm on the phone and the news is not good.

The flight, supposed to leave at 12:00 today - has been canceled.

So, he and I shared some intel with my co-worker about the next step. My co-worker has talked to Delta and managed to get us rescheduled. The soonest flight is tomorrow morning at 7:15 AM - meaning that even if everything goes exactly right - we'll still be at minimum 4 hours late to the training. Which sucks since we are only going to be there through noon on Tuesday anyway.

Strangely enough, the airport website listed the flight as on-time. Apparently, they suck.

I've got all my stuff re-printed out and I guess I'm ready to go for tomorrow. So, I'll be up at 4:00 AM - on the computer, checking the airline website to see if my flight is still on.


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