Saturday, December 01, 2007

elliptical trainer, shopping, computer, vain, drive

Bought an elliptical trainer over the weekend - a sort of an early gift. The sales guy at Dick's was sorta crazy - he suggested the extended warranty in case I was working out and a piece "just flies off" - and suggesting that with the warranty, I wouldn't have to pay for repairs. I politely declined.

The assembly went fairly smoothly - though there was one tricky step. No parts left over and the only thing missing was one of the screws to hold the water bottle in place. I'm going to have to position it carefully in the basement - the ceiling is a little low.

The home computer bought the farm again - this time, I think it's history. So much for the free and somewhat suspicious repairs. Ah, well, maybe I can get a good deal with a christmas sale.

Had a bit of a vain moment this weekend. I cleaned out my closets and drawers to donate some clothes to goodwill and in the organizing and re-arranging, I found an old tank top. I put that on after my shower and noticed that it no longer fit me well. I had, somehow, developed a chest. I actually checked myself out in the mirror for a few minutes until I felt silly. Still, the swimming is paying off. And that's cool.

The drive into work... (sigh). I live in Northeast Ohio. It snows here. If it snowed in July - no one should be surprised since we get all the weather types that exist. And it changes every 20 minutes or so. There were flurries in the air this morning as I pulled onto the highway - and immediately had to slam on my brakes since the cars in front of me were going - no lie - less than 25 miles per hour. Everyone else went past us at 60+ and it took a while to find a safe opening to switch lanes - since I had to not only change lanes but double my speed. When I got past those three cars I saw that the lead one was poking along for no good reason. They'll have a cold ride into work today since I blew their doors off- by going the speed limit for the highway!

So, a somewhat cranky start to the morning - but I made it here safely and it's time to get back to it. later...

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