Thursday, December 06, 2007

3 to a swim lane, 4 in a car lane

I worked through my lunch yesterday, so I left work early and headed to the pool. Sort of a weird compulsion to go - which I guess is good. The pool in the afternoon was busy - some kind of swim meet or something. The lifeguard was talking to someone and it took me a few minutes to get his attention to find out which lane I could use. He indicated the one at the far end, a sort of not-quite-double lane at the shallow end.

So, I hopped in the pool and got started. At about 5 laps in, a woman sits down on the edge of the pool in "my" lane. When I got to where she was, I asked if she wanted to split the lane or do a rotation. Neither of which I'd done before and I was sort of hoping she'd choose rotation since I'd read about it and sounded "advanced". She picked split and we swam parallel to each other for a while. And since she was much faster than me - it worked out okay, except that I keep overcompensating and bumping into the wall on my side.

And then a guy showed up, sat down at the edge of the pool in "our" lane, and proceeded to swim with us. And that was awkward. I don't think anyone got kicked in the head, but it was a near thing a few times. After a few laps of this, the lane next to ours opened up and he moved over. I did my 30 laps and got out - tired and somewhat glad it was over.

It's funny how I think we come to rely on those floating lane dividers. We get some space defined and it creates a comfort zone. Even with three people we should have had more than enough room, but without those dividers, we were all over the place. Good fences make good neighbors and all that.

After my swim, I got in my car headed home - later than I usually would so traffic was a bit worse. And of course there was a stalled car in the middle lane, not too far away from the entrance ramp. In the lane was the car, a tow truck in front of it and 2 police cars behind it. Seemed like a waste to me. I did a lot of swearing as I tried to get around it and finally got on my way.

Did some reading last night and did a little planning on a scupley project I'd like to try. It was a busy day and I expect today will be more of the same.


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