Wednesday, December 12, 2007

computer, tech support, game, baby, jaw

Computer woes. I'm only going to write this to down to preserve it for the ages. And the biggest problem was that I was trying to be clever - which has never, EVER, worked for me.

1. Remove hard-drive from non-working home Gateway
2. Remove HD from old working work Dell
3. Install HD from home to work Dell.
4. Boot
5. Error - you must activate windows. Which didn't work. Apparently, microsoft locks the software to the hardware configuration - which totally sucks. I even tried calling them and got nowhere.
6. Can't add the home HD as a slave since I've only got one port in the machine.

So, I'm going to try and use a SATA/IDE cable to connect the old hard-drive to my new work machine as a drive, the get the data off of there. And then I'm going to delete everything else on there and melt it down with the sheer force of my burning will. Should be fun.

My uncle called last night - he asked for the help desk. Apparently my cousin was working on a paper for school and the computer didn't have enough memory to print the pictures. I gave him some suggestions and they said they would call back if they had trouble. They didn't call back so I guess my status as a first level geek is still okay.

Played Final Fantasy again last night - took on two more big-ass monsters. The dinosaur I set on fire a bunch of times until he killed off some of my characters - them I took him out with some specialized super cool partially automated combat moves that drained all the characters magic - but did the job. The big winged dragon was tougher and I had to follow the stragety I found on-line - which was this:

1. Hide behind a rock so he can't reach you
2. Reflect his magic back at you
3. Throw lighting bolts at him until he dies.

Which was fine until my characters ran out of magic. They were reduced to throwing money at the dragon - which seems kinda lame, but worked.

In other news... I've got two baby showers to buy for. Not that I'm going to attend as I think those things are almost painfully boring, but babies need stuff and I'm happy to help out with that part.

And lastly - my jaw hurts. Like a TMJ kinda hurt. Must be stress.

Well, busy day - gotta get back to it... later...

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