Monday, February 20, 2006

origami, double red, headache

Well, I'm up to 500 origmai units built. I've got the rest for my big project cut, but still quite a ways to go before I'm ready to start putting it together.

I've also got a commission on my plate - building origami angels for a christmas event. I'm still trying to find a good model - and still wondering if I want to try this. So far, the numbers they'll need are somewhere between 250-450. And I won't have much notice on how many they'll need. It's not like - "we'll need X by DateX". More like, "on DateX we'll tell you how many we'll need by DateX2"

There's payment and supply issues as well - not to mention feeling a little odd about using some design and making a profit on it. But, well, I think if I can pull it off - it'll be visually amazing. Hundreds of paper angels? It would be something to see.

Too bad they don't want cranes - I could do thousands before christmas. Literally.

In other news... I gave blood last week. The red cross had sent me two cards about differnt blood drives - then another card about one of those being canceled. Then they called me to see if I would do a double-red and if so - would I care to make an appointment. Since I usually feel better after a double-red vs. a regular donation - I said I would. Got there a with a few minutes to spare and waded through the tedious history section. The actual donation went pretty smoothly and I alternatly read my book, talked to the attendant, and watched the screen of the collection machine. Had one brief scary moment - a message came up on the screen about "Clearing air from system".

The double red means they take out a pint of blood, centerfuge the red cells out, then return the plasma and some saline. Then they repeat. The attendant explained that the system has multiple sensors to prevent any air from entering the tubing headed for my arm. So, it was doing its job and clearing things out.

So, I'm glad that it worked - but a little disconcerted that it was even a potential issue. Maybe they should have some new code for the attendants that won't weird me out.

In other news - I had a headache much of the weekend. I think it's the same one - hanging out in my head and just generally lurking around. Maybe I'm thinking too hard? Ignorance is bliss and what not.

I could talk about work - but that would just make the headache worse. So, I'm just going to get back to it and hope the day finishes up quickly.


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