Thursday, February 02, 2006

might as well have been the smoking section

So, I go out to dinner last night with a friend and though we have requested a non-smoking table - we have to wait just outside the bar area of the resturant. The 5 mintues turned to 10 and the smoke started to bother my eyes and my lungs. Finally, we got seated just outside what I'm guessing could be a small banquet room - as far away as possible from the smoky bar. Which was great. The server came around quickly, drinks were ordered and delivered, and the food came out quickly. I had fish and it was well prepared and tasted good. Turning out to be a nice dinner.

Then a couple gets seated in the banquet area and while I'm pretty sure that whole section was also non-smoking - the guy had a cigerette out before he even got his coat off. Coffee was served to them and she started smoking as well.

Ten feet away - no obstructions. Before too long, my eyes were bothered and so were my lungs. I started to smell it on my clothes and skin.

Never having seen anyone violate the no-smoking rule in a given area, I wasn't sure of the protocal. Nobody else seemed bothered and their server didn't say anything to them. Should I approach them? Should I talk to the server or manager? By the time the manager stopped by to ask us how things were - and it was prefunctory question at best - and the server buzzing to and from our table like a hummingbird, well, it was really too late. I was nearly done eating and dessert wasn't going to be an option.

I guess I'm tired of walking through a haze of smoke to get into a building, of waiting near a smoking section, and of the annoyance in general.

Next time I go to a resturant I'm going to pay more attention to where I'm seated and I'm going to start asking questions and pushing buttons as need be.

That's it for now - time to get back to work...

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