Monday, November 26, 2007

visit, dog, list, water

I visited my parents over the Thanksgiving weekend. Had a pretty good time and ate a lot of food. I helped a little with the lights and the yard work. We tried to go to an Italian restaurant on saturday as a change of pace, but it was closed for a special event. We ended up going to Bob Evans where the food was okay, but the service was really bad.

While I was there, I hung out with the dog, Chloe. I spent a good long time rubbing her belly - which she loves - then sat up and lifted my shirt. "Okay," I told her, "My turn,"
She hopped up and came over, lifting her paw to my bare stomach. She was trying to rub my belly! I thanked her for the effort, but quickly lowered my shirt before her claws tore me up.

I gave my folks my Christmas list - seems a little silly, but we still do those. And since I had to do one, I insisted that I get one from them as well. Only seems fair. So, I've got a bit of shopping to do.

Looking back over my swimming log - I realized that my Year of Water actually began on November 29th. So, this week will mark a year that I've been hitting the pool. Kinda cool.

That's about it for now... back to work...

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