Monday, November 05, 2007

meeting, swim, blood, weekend

Had to give a presentation this morning on some work stuff for the division. It went okay, but it was not the most fun thing I've done today. I don't normally mind that sort of thing, but the topic was a little boring even to me, so I'm not sure how well I "sold it". A few people said I did well, so i guess that's something.

I swam again today - back down to 3o laps from last Friday's personal record of 45. Felt pretty good, just ran out of time.

I'm headed out to give blood in a few minutes. I was going to decline the sweatshirt since I've already got a red cross jacket - but Mom wants the sweatshirt, so, I guess I'll go ahead and get that.

I visited my folks over the weekend. We took the dog hiking and played a bunch of UNO when my sister and brother in law came over. Pretty nice time - quiet and peaceful.

Guess I should head out - I'll need to eat something before I donate.


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