Tuesday, November 20, 2007

queue, impaired, fuel, computer, route

In the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, there's a scene where the characters are confronted with a buruacratic line and the hero says, "Leave this to me. I'm British. I know how to queue,"

Well, yesterday I was confronted with an American that didn't know how to queue. A line was forming at the snack area and both the non-queue person and I were moving into position. I followed the previous pattern of people and the pathway approaching the checkout. He was ahead of me coming from the side and stood at a right angle to the rest of the line. Everyone else in the store formed up behind me - making it clear that he was doing it wrong. I left him enough room to step over in front of me into the line, but he simply stood there, oblivious. Holding his pack of gum.

Now, some would argue that he was looking at things from a different perspective and marching to the beat of his own drum. People that argue that are wrong, sorry.

Once I got nearer the front of the checkout line, I noticed that things were not moving as efficiently as they could be. There were two areas open, but both had issues. The guy at the far checkout was in a massive neck-brace - the kind of thing a Klingon would wear if they had an injured neck. He could barely move in that thing and was becoming dangerous with his quick turn-arounds to see things. The woman that ended up helping me had apparently forgotten her glasses that day since she could barely see and had to bring all the items up to her nose to see them. I noticed one customer use a coupon and then pay with cash and needed change. Might has well have tossed a wooden shoe into the machinery.

I finally escaped after making my purchase - but it was really a summary of how my day went. People in my way, actively opposed to letting me get on with my life. And me trying to stay out of everyone else's way.

In other news... I filled up my gas tank this morning - almost thirty bucks. And this was with a 1/4 tank left and after the price had "gone down" - whatever that means.

Also this morning, I took a different route to work. It went better and more smoothly than the way I usually go - so, that went well.

Finally, I took my room-mate's computer to the repair shop here at work. They created a work over for me and said they would take a look. Felt a little funny that I didn't get a receipt or something, but they did send me an email - so, we'll see how it goes.

Guess that's it for now... back to work...

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