Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Premonition, video game, eye doctor, parents

I watched "Premonition" last night - pretty good flick. I was pretty much 2 steps ahead of the plot the whole time and figured out the "big twist" way early, but it was still well acted. At one point I said to my room-mate, "Now, that's why you don't f--k with time travel," He got a good laugh out of that one.

I've been playing Final Fantasy 12 on PS2 - good game with amazing graphics. However, it keeps sneeking up on me. I've walked into an area pretty sure of myself and then some horrible monster walks up and kills everyone in my group. Even when I was prepared, a giant snake thing took out my three toughest characters and then when the reserves came up, they got killed too. I was pretty close to taking that monster out, though, so I think I need to level up a bit and try again. Not real comfortable with all the systems yet, but I'm working on it.

I made an appointment to see an eye doctor on Thursday after work - though I may need to leave a little early to get there on time. However, the sequence of events is worth noting.

When I lived in Cuyahoga Falls, I had a great eye doctor. She and her staff were excellent and got me back into contacts and even hooked me up with the costume lenses for halloween. It was during this time that I started to develop massive headaches and my family doctor sent me to Novus clinic to get checked out - making sure there was nothing wrong with my eyes since that's where the pain was. I got a stern note from my insurance saying they weren't covered and I'd better have a damn good reason for going there.

Then my insurance changed and my really good doctor wasn't covered anymore. So, I found a new one in my area that was recommended - though I wasn't as pleased with the staff or the facilities. The doctor knew his stuff, but wasn't generally as helpful as my last one.

Then that doctor moved his practice and he was no longer covered by my insurance. So, back to the insurance site to find a new provider. I found that Novus had a location about 5 miles from my house and was now covered by my insurance. Hence, the Thursday appointment.

My parent's anniversary was on Sunday and I tried to call my Dad's cell - got his voicemail. I tried calling Mom yesterday, voicemail again. It's possible I got my timing very wrong and "this" is the week they are on a vacation. Still, a cell phone is supposed to negate the communications issues with travel. I think they were easier to get a hold of when all they had was a landline. I'm thinking of a Happy Anniversary email, but it seems impersonal. Eh, guess I'll think about that one today.

Time to get back to work...

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