Friday, August 03, 2007

cell phone

If you know me at all - even to just have passed me on the street - you'll know that I despise cell phones. Last evening, there was an "incident" that I'll report.

I had tried to call my mom the night before, but she didn't answer - so, I left a voice mail. Didn't hear back from her yesterday, so I tried to call my dad. The first time I tried, nothing happened. Thinking I had mis dialed, I tried again. It rang, went to voice mail and I started to leave my message. In the middle of my speaking, I was interupted by some automated message saying:

"Your message was not saved because the connection was lost or you were not speaking."

Well, excuse me, but I was speaking. So, now I'm cranky. It was followed with:

"To disconnect, press one. To leave your message, press two"

So, I hit 2 and started talking. In the middle of my second attempt, the voice interupted me again and said:

"Are you still there? To disconnect, press one. To leave your message press two."

And I'm like, "shut up so I can talk!"

So, I hit 2 again and got the same message. And then I pressed one and hung up.

I called my sister to see if there was something up with the folks - she said they were at a Vacation bible school this week.

I talked to dad later that evening and we had a good laugh at the automated response system.

that's it for now... later...

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