Wednesday, August 29, 2007

aeros, bats, bugs, baby, blood, busy

Went to an Aeros game last night with my friends - had a good time. We got half off for the tickets and I used my campus parking pass, so we save a little money and then blew it all on food and snacks.

The Aeros made three errors and ended up losing the game, but we still had a good time. I continue to be puzzled at the coaches that argue with the umpires. Like, has that ever worked? And the endless conferences on the mound that serve only to delay the game. We left with 1/2 an inning to go and it was still pretty late for me.

We also saw some wildlife. After the sun went down, the bats came out. They were flying high above the ballpark hunting insects and apparently interested in the pop-ups that occasionally went into their area. Pretty cool.

We were also joined by a preying mantis that landed on top of the first base dugout. The mantis apparently watched the game with us for a bit, then stared at the baby sitting in front of us. I think it was trying to decided if it could take the baby, but ultimately decided to risk the bats and fly off.

In other news, the red cross is after me again to give blood. I've gotten several letters and phone calls - I think the next step is a house visit and a non voluntary "donation". Better call to make an appointment.

Classes started this week and we've been pretty busy - better get back to it. Later....

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

glasses, swim, game

Got my new glasses yesterday, they are really nice. And I got magnetic clip on sunglasses, which are extra super cool. I'll get a pick one of these days once my zit goes away and I can get my hair under control. Getting both of those things to happen at same time might be a challenge, but I'll do my best.

Went for my swim today - half the pool was closed off for a water polo practice. I was in the "dangerous" part of the pool where only 2 days ago the lifeguards were concerned that the ceiling would collapse. Apparently, that's no longer a concern and I was free to pick my lane.

More Final Fantasy last evening. I reached a new area and the local chief vouched for me and said I must be very brave to get there. Umm... not really. I mostly ran around like a crazy person trying to find a save point, but hey, if the chief wants to vouch for my bravery, who am I to argue?

Got a meeting in a few... later...

Monday, August 20, 2007

game, swim, headache

So, playing final fantasy xii this weekend - here's how it went down.
1. Found myself at a village by the river, can't cross because the barge is on the other side.
2. Need to cross to complete a quest and take out an evil chicken-thing.
3. Look for alternate route, find one (I think) but blocked by a sandstorm.

A little later on in the game, I go to the entrance to the dessert and meet a dude who is studying sandstorms (!) He suggests that I talk to man sitting at the fountain. Man at fountain says he used to stop sandstorms all the time with a device, but his buddy has half of it. Buddy is in the sewers.

I head to the sewers and find his buddy, who says he hid his half of the device out in the dessert under a giant cactus. He is a little vague as to where. I head out to the dessert and look under dozens of cacti until I find it. Back to the sewers - the buddy is gone. Back to the fountain - that guy is gone too. Find them both at the entrance to the dessert where the fountain dude does "something" to whatever it was I found under the cactus and tells me it will now work - whatever that means. The dude studying sandstorms says he can't go because his funding was cut. He suggests that I go there on my own - if that's what I really want to do.

After all that? Hell yeah I want to go. Dumbass....

So, I make my way back through the dessert to the sandstorm area. The device is working, apparently, since the sands open up and....

There's a big freaking DINOSAUR! waiting for me. He's apparently deeply pissed off and hungry. My characters swing into action and in a few moments, the three main characters are dead. I call up the reserves and they don't last any longer. In less than 2 minutes, everyone is dead and the dinosaur is almost entirely unhurt. Game Over.

I then turned off the playstation and went to read a book.

In other news... went swimming today. I headed for the nearest open lane from the locker room and got in. I was about to put my goggles on when one of the life guards started talking to me. I couldn't hear and got out to talk to them. Apparently, the two entirely unmarked lanes were closed since they were afraid that the ceiling would collapse.

Ummm... what?

So, I switched lanes to the deep end and started my swim. I was going along pretty well until guys got into lanes on either side of me and proceeded to lap the hell out of me. I felt... slow. Still, I comforted myself with the notion that I had already done 16 laps by the time they started, but it was still unpleasant. I nearly gave up at 18 since I was so tired, but struggled on to 27 somehow - putting me at 3/4 of a mile for the day. The ceiling never did collapse while I was there, may be interesting to see when I go back on Wednesday.

Finally, I've had a headache most of the day. And staring at a computer screen for 8 hours really hasn't helped. I'm going home in a few and I think I may actually try to nap - which I'm not very good at.

that's it for now... later....

Friday, August 17, 2007

haircut, eye exam, credit card

I got my haircut on Wednesday. The stylist did a good job, but she was "too meticulous" - in a way that made me nervous. So much attention to detail and I felt like she was going to miss something anyway. The conversation was a bit strained - but the end result was a good hair cut.

Yesterday, I went to get my eyes checked and to order a new pair of glasses. The doctors assistant was excellent and very professional. The doctor was even better and was very through and professional - and made me feel at ease. The lady that helped me pick out my glasses was a hoot and a half. She really enjoyed her job and helped me pick some excellent frames - and worked the insurance to save me several hundred dollars. The girl that did the checkout, however, was flighty. She had to run my card twice since she didn't include the glasses with my eye exam. And then she joked about using my card for online shopping. Eh, not really funny.

My new glasses should be here in about a week or so. I'm quite excited. After that, dentist and then investments. Not a good idea to have too many irons in the fire if I can avoid it.

I paid off a credit card last night and canceled the card. They sent me to a different department to do the process the cancellation and try and persuade me to keep the card. Suddenly, I was a valued customer. They could refund my interest for the past three months! They could lower my rate to 15%! And the more they offered me, the more resolute and pissed off I became. Where were they in the 8 years I've had the card? They resold my account several times, jacked up my interest rate to loan-shark territory, and sent me crap nearly constantly that I never needed. My room-mate told me that I could call my credit card company to get my rate lowered at any time. Great. Except that's not the point. If I'm really a valued customer, waiting until I was pissed off enough to cancel the card is too late.

I may get a card later on - maintain a zero balance and use it just for emergencies. But it sure felt good to make that call and get out from under that chunk of debt.

that's it for now... later

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

the incident

My usual swim trunks are in the wash, so I had to use an older pair that I have. They have the following properties:

1. Smooth material
2. A Velcro fly
3. A drawstring that closed, but does not tighten at the waist band.
4. Strings that do not hold a knot well.

5. Finally, it also does not fit me as well as it used to since I've been exercising.

Walking around does not present any problems when wearing the suit - and even the minor issues with relieving oneself are trivial and easily dismissed.

In the pool, however, the problems become substantial.

Things started out okay, though there was an increased bit of drag in the water and some looseness to the trunks even with everything securely fastened. As I progressed, however, the looseness increased and I began to get concerned.

Then suddenly, in the middle of the pool, disaster. The string, which had been loosening on it's own without my knowledge, gave way entirely. Without that support the Velcro didn't stand a chance against the forward motion through the water.

I was, in a word, exposed.

There were several factors that prevented a total FCC meltdown wardrobe malfunction.

1. I was in the middle of the pool
2. The lifeguards were not, thankfully, paying that close attention
3. The only other person in the pool was swimming in the opposite direction.
4. I have quick reflexes.

I quickly realized the problem, tucked everything back in where it needed to be, and refastened the Velcro. I modified my stroke to get me back to the side of the pool and reconfigured once there. I was worried that a double knot would lead to problems later, so I went with a single know again - though this time I monitored it more carefully.

I finished out my swim, certain that I was partially "mooning" the rest of the pool, but since no one said anything, I think it was okay.

The ironic bit? If given the opportunity, I would have gladly doffed my suit and gone without out. However, I'm fairly certain it's against the rules...

Hmmm... maybe I should check that out.... hang on...

Well, technically there are no rules about that posted on the pools website.

However, I think I know what they would be and I'm certain to get into trouble - and perhaps even make the school paper, though not in a good way.

And as for the suit? Never again. I'd burn it if I was sure the fabric wouldn't create a toxic cloud. So, it's headed for the trash.


sign, watch

On the drive to work in the morning there is a large sign that I pass that displays various messages - usually related to the businesses below it. Sometimes, though, it has other kinds of messages and today it said:

"Litter is a pain in the grass"

Cute. But who, exactly, are they talking to? People that don't litter and wouldn't even consider it - like myself. I've cleaned up a lot of litter in my day and I couldn't imagine adding to it.

Or is it targeted to those that throw stuff outside their cars as they drive along? Would a "too cute" message really get the point across? Would they even notice and/or care? Doubtful.

What would be more effective is a radar system and laser cannon, controlled by a low-level AI. If you toss something out the window, your car is targeted and a laser shines into your window and burns out your cell phone. Two birds... one stone.

In other news... in the past week I've discovered - on two separate days - that I've put my watch on upside down. Now, to my defense, the clasp is easy to do in either direction and the watch face looks pretty much the same either way, except for the brand name in "gray on silver" at the top. Still, kinda odd for the master of space and time.

That's it for now...

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Premonition, video game, eye doctor, parents

I watched "Premonition" last night - pretty good flick. I was pretty much 2 steps ahead of the plot the whole time and figured out the "big twist" way early, but it was still well acted. At one point I said to my room-mate, "Now, that's why you don't f--k with time travel," He got a good laugh out of that one.

I've been playing Final Fantasy 12 on PS2 - good game with amazing graphics. However, it keeps sneeking up on me. I've walked into an area pretty sure of myself and then some horrible monster walks up and kills everyone in my group. Even when I was prepared, a giant snake thing took out my three toughest characters and then when the reserves came up, they got killed too. I was pretty close to taking that monster out, though, so I think I need to level up a bit and try again. Not real comfortable with all the systems yet, but I'm working on it.

I made an appointment to see an eye doctor on Thursday after work - though I may need to leave a little early to get there on time. However, the sequence of events is worth noting.

When I lived in Cuyahoga Falls, I had a great eye doctor. She and her staff were excellent and got me back into contacts and even hooked me up with the costume lenses for halloween. It was during this time that I started to develop massive headaches and my family doctor sent me to Novus clinic to get checked out - making sure there was nothing wrong with my eyes since that's where the pain was. I got a stern note from my insurance saying they weren't covered and I'd better have a damn good reason for going there.

Then my insurance changed and my really good doctor wasn't covered anymore. So, I found a new one in my area that was recommended - though I wasn't as pleased with the staff or the facilities. The doctor knew his stuff, but wasn't generally as helpful as my last one.

Then that doctor moved his practice and he was no longer covered by my insurance. So, back to the insurance site to find a new provider. I found that Novus had a location about 5 miles from my house and was now covered by my insurance. Hence, the Thursday appointment.

My parent's anniversary was on Sunday and I tried to call my Dad's cell - got his voicemail. I tried calling Mom yesterday, voicemail again. It's possible I got my timing very wrong and "this" is the week they are on a vacation. Still, a cell phone is supposed to negate the communications issues with travel. I think they were easier to get a hold of when all they had was a landline. I'm thinking of a Happy Anniversary email, but it seems impersonal. Eh, guess I'll think about that one today.

Time to get back to work...

Sunday, August 12, 2007

blimp, 23, appliciances, patty, target, 3/4

The blimp was flying over the apartment not too long ago. Which is not really much of a big deal when one has lived in Akron over a decade. They are still cool, don't get me wrong, but nothing that would warrant staring at them for hours on end anymore.

Still, it made enough of an impression that I dreamed about a blimp that night. In the dream, it was double-bag blimp (side by side) and had these gigantic get engines at the back. Looked a bit like the blockade runner from Star Wars - except it flew just above the tops of the tress. And the pilots decided to do a loop-de-loop over my grandparents house - where we were watching them.

Back to reality - such as it is - I bought some appliances yesterday. Well, I bought the microwave and my room-mate bought the cordless phones. I had some coupons from the Best Buy reward zone and saved us both some money. Worked out pretty well - and the new microwave is very shiny.

Watched the movie "The number 23" last night. Jim Carrey, to my surprise, did a good job. He was dramatic, scary, and intense - as well as a slightly bored, but caring family man. The numerology reminded me a little of the math that has been done with the Koran and with the hidden information in the mathematical formula to calculate Pi in the movie contact. The ending was a little weak, maybe, but the movie over all was good.

When I walked out to get the mail yesterday, I noticed some newspaper near the end of the driveway. It wasn't moving around in the breeze, and when I investigated I realized it was wrapping up something. More careful examination indicated that it was neatly wrapped around a cow patty. So, I gloved up and bagged the mess for trash night. It was:

1. almost certainly random
2. poorly done - since it was well wrapped, there was no mess, unless they expected it to be run over
3. possibly meant for the neighbors, but still more likely stupid kids being random.
4. annoying.

We'll see if there's a repeat.

Finally, went to target recently to do a little wedding shopping for my cousin. I went to the kiosk to print out the list, but the machine wasn't working. As I waited, I heard the customer service person try to help a lady with her refund. Apparently, the lady had paid for something with a check and then returned it before the check cleared. She got a gift card, then used that to make a purchase which she also returned. She wanted cash for that return and swore she would never shop there again if she didn't get it. I finally found a machine that worked and printed out the list and made my selection. While I was standing in the line, the lady from watches and jewelry came over and asked if I wanted to check out at her station. So, no waiting, friendly service, speedy checkout. I thanked her for keeping an eye on the lines and exited.

Finally, I think I've stabilized on 3/4 of a mile on my swim. Seems like a good number and one that I can accomplish without too much trouble in the time I have for my lunch. Based on my total laps swum since I started in December, my dad reports that I'm only a few miles away from an English Channel swim - but he jokes that it won't count since I didn't register with them first.

That's about it for now... time to play some video games... later...

Friday, August 03, 2007

1 mile

36 laps = 1 mile.

Feeling pretty good, but tired.

back to work...

cell phone

If you know me at all - even to just have passed me on the street - you'll know that I despise cell phones. Last evening, there was an "incident" that I'll report.

I had tried to call my mom the night before, but she didn't answer - so, I left a voice mail. Didn't hear back from her yesterday, so I tried to call my dad. The first time I tried, nothing happened. Thinking I had mis dialed, I tried again. It rang, went to voice mail and I started to leave my message. In the middle of my speaking, I was interupted by some automated message saying:

"Your message was not saved because the connection was lost or you were not speaking."

Well, excuse me, but I was speaking. So, now I'm cranky. It was followed with:

"To disconnect, press one. To leave your message, press two"

So, I hit 2 and started talking. In the middle of my second attempt, the voice interupted me again and said:

"Are you still there? To disconnect, press one. To leave your message press two."

And I'm like, "shut up so I can talk!"

So, I hit 2 again and got the same message. And then I pressed one and hung up.

I called my sister to see if there was something up with the folks - she said they were at a Vacation bible school this week.

I talked to dad later that evening and we had a good laugh at the automated response system.

that's it for now... later...

Thursday, August 02, 2007

work = stress

I swam yesterday - got in 27 laps again. I didn't have as much energy as a usually do and I was running late when I finished up.

Work has been stressful. Can't seem to make much headway - I keep getting derailed. And pretty much everything is making me irritated. I wish I could go home and take a "cranky" day. Don't think it would work.

And I found out recently that our student assistant it leaving. She's got to get a different job to fit her internship requirement and is running out of time. So, her last day is next week. I guess the timing is as good as it could be - we had just finished up a major project and had to yet to start her on a new one. Still, I'm bummed 'cause she was great to work with and helped us out tremendously. My boss is trying to get the rules bent on the qualifying job for her internship - but it's not looking good.

The internet has been flaky pretty much all this week - something with our internet provider. It's made the webteam a little cranky as well. Or maybe that's just me.

Not much of a post, granted, but I'll try to do better next time. Oh, and I'm working on an update to my cell phone rant.
