Friday, September 04, 2009


By the end of today, I will have had 11 meetings this week. It's also the second week of classes, which is a busy time anyway. Throw in family and room-mate stress, shake well, and I have turned into one really agitated dude. So, I took myself for a walk yesterday to try and calm down and clear my head. I also got a chipotle burrito - which helped a little. But the bugs started to bother me, my knee started to hurt, and I began to run out of daylight.

I got home, took a shower, and did some reading. The cool breeze through the open window did as much good for me as anything else and I finally settled down. It wasn't to last and I was keyed up again before I went to bed, but I'm grateful that I can put myself to sleep even under trying circumstances.

So, three day weekend coming up. If the weather is good, I'm going to try and get some sunshine. If not, well, I'll clean the basement. I think I need to be really relaxed and disconnected - or really thoroughly occupied.

Oh, and the height of irony? I'd like to start some kind of zen meditation - but I'm worried that I don't have the right set up, that my left knee won't be able to handle the position, and that I haven't found the right mantra.

Ack! Okay, enough of that. Back to work...


Mandy said...

Why are you stressed? And, what's wrong with your right knee? Are you old or something?

Anthony said...

The stress comes and goes. I've also been on a "video-game fast" to prove a point - and not kicking monster ass is taking it's toll. And yeah, I'm old. :)