Sunday, September 06, 2009

namor, weekend

After a really rough morning on Friday, I turned it around with a swim. The pool was configured with the lanes "longways" - twice as long as I'm used to doing - but I stuck it out and did a mile. Three crawl, three backstroke, three breaststroke - then repeat. When I got done, I still felt great - like I could just keep going. But I had a meeting and I needed to get back.

Still, it was awesome.

The weekend has been something of a dud so far. Not really much going on - though I did watch a couple of cool episodes of Dexter. I finished up typing a story I wrote longhand a couple years ago and I'm heading into "edit mode". I've also done a great honking pile of reading. So, not a total waste, but not the top of excitement either.

I'm thinking about a trip to Panara Bread for dinner this evening and maybe over to target for the next season of Dexter. I'm also thinking about putting on some good music and just doing some more writing. Sometimes a story captures me when I read it - sometimes I get captured by writing it.

I've also been working on my Halloween costume - with not much to show for it yet. I'd better get a move on.


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