Thursday, September 17, 2009

deadline, swim, SMEF, debate

We've got a project here at work with a launch deadline of Monday - and the folks supplying the information didn't get anything to us until yesterday afternoon. I'm going to be out of the office on Friday, so things got pretty rough. I worked from home last night to get caught up with what they did send and I've got more to do today. We won't be at 100% by Monday, but we'll be at least ready to launch. Makes me cranky - but not much I can do about it.

I had a good swim yesterday. I usually mix up the strokes - 3 crawl, 3 back, 3 breast, repeat. But this time I kept going with the crawl and did 18 laps of that in a row. Then I switched to back for 3 and breast for 3 more - finishing up with 3 crawl to give me 3/4 of a mile. The crawl is my weak stroke, I still don't have the breathing right and it wears me out. So, that many in a row was a big deal for me.

I nearly had a Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure moment last night - a moment where, if my concentration had lagged, I might have ceased to exist. I was taking an early shower, trying to get rid of a headache and I just got so weary with reality that I almost fell out of this dimension. Those usually hit me when I'm walking across campus to a meeting - it was a little unusual to have one strike when I'm actually trying to relax.

My room-mate and I have been having a series of debates recently. On his side - Christianity and extraterrestrials. On mine - beginning Buddhism and decades of reading about science fiction and fact. We were doing okay until he started to question my explanation of wormholes. It got a little ugly at that point until I got out the silly putty and made a model of the functionality. I guess my take on extraterrestrials is that I believe that they may be out there and may have the advanced technology to travel the vast reaches of space. But if all they are doing when they get here is mutilating cattle and probing people - well, what's the point?

Well, time for me to get back to work. later...

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