Friday, August 21, 2009

grandma, song

I got some good news about my grandmother yesterday - she had a colonoscopy that tracked the location of a secondary infection - which they were able to treat successfully within 24 hours. She talking again and more coherent. So, they're going forward with a feeding tube in her stomach and from there she'll head to a nursing home for rehab on her leg. It was a nice change from the flurry of bad news we've been getting recently.

In other news... there's a sign in a neighbors yard on my street that says "Christie Croce for Clerk of Courts" - and every time I drive past I get a Jim Croce song in my head. It's usually Don't Mess Around With Jim, but occasionally Operator pops up. I'll be glad when the election is over so I don't get this compulsion to sing in my car.

That's it for now... back to work...


Mandy said...

Oh, Jim Croce. Mom strikes again. That's bad. In fact, it's bad, bad, Leroy Brown...
Shoot. Now I'm doing it.

Anthony said...

The sign is still up there. And it still hits me every time I go past.