Monday, August 03, 2009

day, grandma

The vending machine suggested that I have a nice day and I guess I have.
No meetings today.
I got in my swim - 3/4 mile
Had a Pretzel-Dog for lunch

I've gotten a few projects done here at work, but it's been pretty quiet. Got a bit of a headache, but that's almost par for the course.

Ack! I just made a golf analogy. Gotta watch that.

In other news... Dad called over the weekend to tell me that Grandma had another stroke. It wasn't a bad one, as far as these things go, but she'll be in the hospital and then rehab for a bit while she tries to regain mobility in her right leg.

They've got her on blood-thinners, but can't increase the dose too much or it will cause other issues. So, kind of a scary/sad time.

Almost time for me to head out of here. The headache is getting slightly worse from staring at the computer screen and I'll be glad to exit the building and get some natural lighting.

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