Thursday, August 21, 2008

grill, sleep

I don't know how to speak or read Spanish. But, I think I still would have been better off using the Spanish version of the instructions when I put the grill together last night. Or perhaps I should have thrown out the instructions entirely and just winged it. Took me about an hour and a half to do - might have taken half that time if I hadn't had to undo and redo several steps. Finally got it done and we fired it up for the "heat-clean" 15 minutes last evening. It looks good and it's sturdy - I just wish the instructions were clearer.

The cooler evenings have created a slight problem for me - it's too cool to sleep with just a sheet, but not cool enough to sleep with a comforter. After lying in bed for a while, trying to get comfortable, I hit on a solution. So, I headed down to my car and got a fleece blanket out of my trunk. This is part of the emergency kit that my mom put together for me for Christmas one year - but I've gotten other fleece blankets and have keep adding them to my trunk for lack of something better to do with them. So, this extra one was just right weight to keep me just warm enough. I discovered that it wasn't quite long enough - so the next night I added a second fleece to the mix to keep me covered. I slept pretty well last night once I got things configured. Once it gets cold enough, I'll put the fleeces back in the trunk and switch to the comforter.

busy day today - better get back to it.

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