Sunday, September 30, 2007

tea + keyboard - mixed nuts

First, I have to set the scene a bit:

1. I'm at the computer at home. In front of me on the desk are a cup of tea on the left and an open can of mixed nuts on the right.

2. It's my habit to either:
a. Pick up the cup of tea with my right hand (thus reaching across the desk) and take a drink - or
b. Pick up the can of nuts with my right hand and shake a few into my left hand - then toss the mixed nuts into my mouth.

Now that's set up, we'll begin...

I'm playing a computer game and have been doing so for a while. Every so often, I'll take a drink or get a snack. And then, for some strange reason and clearly without paying close attention, I picked up the cup of warm tea and poured most of it into my left hand.

Pause for a moment for the swearing.

Once that was done, I began the clean up. The desk and keyboard tray were easy to clean up - but the throughly drenched keyboard was a loss. I shut everything down quickly and then unplugged the keyboard and tried to rinse it out. I then let it dry in the sun - but I don't fully trust it. So, I went to best buy and bought a keyboard and mouse set. They're pretty cool and have more buttons, but it was still a waste.

I can laugh about it now, but it was pretty bad when it happened.

New rule... Either drink or snack at the computer - but never both.


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