Monday, September 24, 2007

football game, sunburn, time

Went to a football game with my room-mate over the weekend - WVU in morgantown. The drive down was boring on Friday, as was much of the evening. I did a bit of folding and read a book.
On gameday, we head out early and then had some issues with the optimum route. My room-mate and his sister had different ideas on how to proceed and I sat in the back and wondered if we would ever get there.

Finally arrived and found a parking space - and waited for his other sister and her family to show up. They finally did, and we set out to find them in the lot where they said they had parked. He and his sister started out, I told them that I would catch up after visiting the port-o-let. They were long gone when I emerged, but I figured they wouldn't be hard to find. I went to the correct lot and with a little logic, found his other sister and her family. A number of cell phone conversations and my room-mate and his now deeply cranky sister finally arrived. Apparently, they thought I had gone back to our car for some reason. Anyway, we split up once in the stadium and found our seats.

My room-mate's niece had what they called "a meltdown" and the rest of his family left the game just before half-time. My room-mate started to overheat and needed to borrow my hat - though it was only a stop gap measure as he had to leave before the 4th quarter.

Ironically, I wasn't really in favor of going to the game at all, but ended up being the only one who could have stuck it out - though I left with my room-mate since he was driving.

Once back at their homestead, his niece threw up due to her migraine and my room-mate pretty much passed out from the heat exhaustion. I ended up with a sunburn.

Oh, and WVU won the game. (we heard it on the radio as we left)

I had a headache most of the day and went to bed early. The next day I was ready to leave at 8:30 but we didn't get on the road until around 12:30. I went into a low-power mode to help get though the intense boredom - it helped a little. And despite a relatively innocuous visit - there was a comment made right at the end that burned me up. I kept quiet about it, but I have to wonder what holding all this stuff back is going to do to me. Nothing good, I'm sure.

In other news... our university President did it again and gave a commencement speech that I enjoyed reading as I posted it on the web for him. This one was about Time and he quotes Penelope Corfield as she describes time as:

“one long never-ending Now.”

I like that - fits in well with my own personal philosophy.

On the flip side is a quote by Ariel from the video game Legacy of Kain - one of my personal favorites. I played through that section several times so I could write it down word for word:

'All I can do is watch and remember.
Ceaselessly conscious as this wretched world's history unfolds.
Ghastly past, insufferable future - Are they one in the same?
Am I always here?"

At the point in the game where she says this, she's a prophetic ghost. So, it pretty much sucks to be her.

I can identify with that to an extent - in a way, she reminds me of cassandra from ancient greek myths. Blessed with visions of the future, cursed so that no one will ever believe her.

Man, I feel like that all the time. Things would work out so much better if everyone around me would just listen to me and then do exactly what I tell them to do. I'm seriously going to have to break out the mind control drugs one of these days.

Well, that's it for now. Gotta get back to the grind.


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