Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Dad's birthday, more folding, the end of the comic

I visited my family over the weekend for my Dad's birthday. He wanted things pretty low key, so we watched movies, ate some birthday pie, and spent some quality time in the hot tub. I also brought all the origami for my sister's wedding to my parent's place for storage. I think they were impressed - and while it was good that I could do this, I'm also a little glad that my living room isn't covered with purple and purple paper anymore. :)

I also finished up my web comic today. Had some fun with that and it was a good run. You can take a look at it here:


Well, that's it for now. Back to work...

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

giving blood and open mic night

Right after work yesterday I went to give blood, since if I didn't there's a chance they would have come to my apartment and demanded 2 pints. The lady at the front desk wasn't, as Scotty would say, "firing on all thrusters" but was nice enough. There was no line so I read the paperwork and headed to the history station. That's mostly on computer now, which is much faster. Back to the dazed lady to get a bag, then over to the donation site. The guy doing the collection did the best job I've had done so far with the needle and I told him so - it almost didn't hurt at all. The actual donation went quick and I was having cookies and juice in no time.

Which was good since I was going to meet some friends that evening for dinner and a trip to a bar for open mic night. Dinner was pretty good - once we finally got the table for 11 issue sorted out. The bar was right next door and several people I knew got up an performed. Mostly music for the evening - but one guy we didn't know got up and receited 3 really long and complicated poems. Almost a dramatic reading of sorts - he really got into it and was impressive.

Not one to grab the mic, I instead sat back and impressed the local crowd with some origami. I made a couple of module based rings that everyone wanted to hold - and most ended up breaking. Easily reassembled though. One girl came up to our table and wanted to borrow one of the rings to hang on the mic for good luck - so, it was almost like I participated or something. :) I also made a small army of origami people and a small table for them to stand next to. It was suggested that I make little chairs, plates, and utensils - but I really needed to get home and to bed since it was a school night.

So, a busy, but good evening. Tonight I'm headed to the comic book store with the hopes that the new Flash comic is in. Be prepared for anguish tomorrow if it's not in yet or sold out.

Back to work...

Friday, August 18, 2006

cursed rest stop dream and red cross demands

I had a dream last night that I was at a rest stop in out west with my family. We had just pulled in when a park ranger explained about the curse on the place that would be starting again in a few minutes. Intrigured, we hung around until, in the middle of a hot summer day, it suddenly snowed several inches in a matter of seconds. The rest stop was across a bridge on an isolated mountain area and the bridge was retracted until the curse went away. Apparently, a long time ago a man stopped at this rest stop with his family, went crazy, and killed his wife and two daughters before coming out of it. It had been in the winter time and now everyday between 2 and 2:15 pm - it snows to recreate that day. We then saw an old guy come down on a snowboard and managed to jump the gap before he even realised it was there. Very odd.

In other news, I got a call at work from the red cross about a blood donation. He asked me about giving blood on tuesday and wanted to confirm if I would be there. I said I was planning on it - then he asked if could further confirm that I would be there barring a dictionary defined "emergency".

I think this is about tailoring the staffing to see that they've got just enough people to cover the donors coming in - but it doesn't solve the problem of people seeing the sign out front and just stopping in - thus overwhelming the staff at randomly peak times.

I said I would be - but was a little puzzled that he didn't set me up for an appointment. I'll be there because it's the right thing to do - but it was a little odd.

Today has been going pretty crappy, but I'm not going to dwell on it. I just need to get through it and get out of here for a much deserved weekend.

back to work...

Thursday, August 17, 2006

comic update, comics update, and the wrong way

I finally got around to updating my web comic a bit - had some fun with some minor graphics. You can check it out here...


I nearly laughed out loud at my own cleverness. Hope someone else enjoys it too. Oh, and I put in some navigation so you can jump to whatever page you want.

In other comics news...I went to my local comic book store yesterday to pick up the Flash #3 that the DC Comic's website promised me would be shipped and arriving in stores yesterday. Oh, sorry... it's been delayed till next week.


In unrelated news... I was driving to work this morning across a one way bridge when the car in front of me pulls into the other lane and I see headlights in front of me.

Now, let's stop and ponder this for a moment. You're on a one-way street. The only thing you should see in front of you is tail-lights. So, if you see headlights, something it very wrong.

Turns out a van had pulled down the wrong way on the bridge and had just decided to stop until enough traffic had pulled around him to make room so he could turn around.

There were no accidents and no big issues, but it was damn odd.

That's it for now - I've got a surprise meeting to attend so I'd best get moving.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

catching up, picnic, debit vs credit

It's been a while since I blogged, got a little catching up to do. First, the division-wide picnic last week went well - though it was a lot of work to set-up. The rented grill was the worst - lots of waiting around for it to be delivered and then picked up. But, everyone seemed to have a good time and the food was pretty good. We even tried making smores with various degrees of success.

Work has been extra busy, lots of stuff coming at me every day. We're supposed to be getting some help - but it's not going to get here before the start of school. So, we stay busy.

Couple days ago I went to the grocery store to get some. It was late afternoon and only two regular lanes were open - one of which closed as I approached it. So, instead of the long line, I went to the self checkout. If I've only got a few items, it's not too bad, but I would really rather not deal with the potential hassle of a defective bar code. Anyway, I'm doing the self check out and use my debit card. A quick pin number and a receipt and I'm on my way. I no sooner get out the door when the clerk runs out after me. "Hey," he says, "you gotta sign this," as he waves a charge slip. I start to follow him back in and tell him - "I used my debit card," We get to his counter and he says, "But you were right over there," "No," I tell him with a tired shake of my head, "I was over there,"
I pointed to the correct location and he said, "oh,"

I turned around and left while he tried to chase someone else down. I mean, really, he's got 4 stations to watch and I could accuratly describe the 2 other groups that were there - and it's not even my job. Thus, I was annoyed.

The comic strip has slowed to a stop, but I'm going to try and make some updates at lunch time today.

Finally, a made a big folding push last night and made 75 origami boxes in one sitting. I should have the rest of this project down in a couple of days. At least the folding part, I'll still have to put things together - but that's a whole 'nuther project.

That's it for now - gotta get back to work...

Monday, August 07, 2006

bear dream, car issues, Pi

I had a dream the other night that I was in a park and got attacked by a grizzley bear. There were a few other people around, but the bear headed straight for me. I braced myself and when it charged me, I knocked it over and proceed to beat the crap out of it. Finally, I had the bear pinned down with my knee on it's neck - and no one would come over and help me restrain it. I was very pissed off when I woke up. I'm guessing this a work stress dream.

Over the past two weeks with my car I've:

1. Had the muffler replaced.
2. Replaced 2 burned out tail lights.
3. And replaced the left front tire.

Still got one more light to replace and the check engine light to investigate.

I don't think I like cars anymore.

Finally, I took a little time to work out the final digit of Pi. It's a three, in case you were wondering.

back to work...

Friday, August 04, 2006

identity crisis dream

I dreamed last night that my former co-worker and his wife move into my apartment. We all seemed to be getting along okay and had pretty much the same reaction when my next door neighbors came in the back door to use our shower, namely, "what the hell are you doing?"

My co-worker had a birthday at that time and got a new drivers liscence. Somehow, though, it messed up my entry in the system. So, the next time I use my debit card to make a purchase they ask for my driver's liscence. I don't have it with me, so they conveniently print it out for me - but it's got the co-worker and wife in the picture - not me. Which is dang odd and to the clerk, more than a little suspecious. I pay cash.

I decide to skip work the next day since I'm sure the computer system won't let me in - but a frantic call from another co-worker (who's also left the university) brings me in to open the door for him and help get the phones set up for the helpdesk - where I used to work but don't currently. I was untangeling phone cords when I woke up.

Not sure what that means - other than a random collection of synapes firing.

Maybe it's about trying to bring back the past and keeping a sense of who I am. I've been kinda down that we've lost three co-workers in the past year (out of a team of five, yes, we're down to two) - and my workload and stress have greatly increased.

Well, I've now got a 2 hour training session to attend - not really looking forward to that, but I've got to learn the stuff. Pressure...

Back to work...