Saturday, August 23, 2008


It started when I when to the kitchen at work to fix my cup of pre-swim oatmeal.
(note, I've learned from experience that it's not wise to try and chug hot oatmeal)
I had a weird sort of dizziness - like I was going to have an out-of-body experience or something. It wasn't enough to impair my movements - but it was quite weird. I ate my oatmeal and hoped it would pass.

Not long after I got back to my desk - the visual distortion began. Apparently, some people refer to this as an aura - but I've read far too many new-agey books to call it that. To me, an aura should be a series of colors of energy surrounding a person that tell you what they are feeling. I've never been able to see those. What I experience when a migraine is coming on is a visual distortion. Can't really describe it any other way.

I took an ibuprofen - and crossed my fingers. The distortion got worse and then the light sensitivity kicked in, followed shortly by the headache. It started to quickly ramp up and I held out hope that the ibuprofen would kick in and put an end to it. At a suggestion from a friend, I tried a bottle of Pepsi - thinking that the jolt of caffeinee would help since I've pretty much given up on the stuff. It tasted terrible - which was good, in a way. No falling off the wagon for me.

No luck. The next step was nausea and while I'm willing to put up with a lot of at work - nausea is not one of those things.

I wrapped up a couple of tasks - all the while, trying to shield my eyes from the light and with headphones in (no music) to try and dampen the sound. I checked in with the boss and began the drive home. I knew I could endure it, but also that I wouldn't enjoy it.

I finally got home and went to bed - earplugs in, nightmask in place. As close to sensory deprivation I could manage without a tank of salt-water.

But it wasn't enough - the nausea ramped up again and I headed for the bathroom where I tossed my oatmeal and Pepsi.

It was terrible, as it always is to throw up. But it was also a relief. I knew that when this wave passed it would take the nausea with it. And, eventually, I'd be able to sleep and that would take the headache.

But first, I had to stop throwing up. I did that by simply emptying the contents of my stomach. Unfortuantly, the force I employed in doing that caused some damage to my throat and I somehow managed to get some bile up my nose - which, I can tell you, is not pleasant.

So - mouthwash, water, and blowing my nose - then ready to go back to bed and sleep this off.

And it did - mostly. I slept for a few hours and woke up feeling a bit better. Which, is an indication of how much I was hurting - I generally don't nap well. The headache was still lurking - that the best way to describe it. Waiting in my head to strike again. I was careful the rest of the day - keeping my computer time to a minimum and avoiding bright lights and loud noises. I was fearful of coughs and sneezes - any sudden move would cause a flare of pain in my head.

A quiet evening and I went to bed early and slept through the night. This morning - the headache tried to come back. I was up early, but ended up going back to bed for a while. Not sure if I really slept, though I must have based on the time that passed.

I took things easy today and the headache - while still lurking - didn't stop me from running some errands and enjoying a bit of sunshine this afternoon.

So - what have we learned here?

1. The respite I had from these migraines has passed. I've had a few near misses and this has been the first full blown one in a while.

2. I need to head back to the doctor to get my prescription re-filled.

3. I apparently am now having pre-aura auras - the out-of-body feeling seemed like a signal.

4. Throwing up hurts - but it seems like it's also helping again.

5. I hate being sick.

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