Monday, August 18, 2008

body, kitty, band, tv, writing

I helped my room-mate a little on Sunday at his job. Not a big deal, perhaps, but he works at a funeral home. There was a "customer" that needed his attention and he needed a little help with the removal and repositioning of some absorbent padding. I asked if I needed to "glove up" and he said yes - I figured I'd be right in the mix of things. Instead, he did the work and I held the plastic bag for the used padding. A bit of a letdown, actually. Still, I did my part and helped a bit. I didn't save the gloves as a souvenir.

While out driving over the weekend, I saw a woman on a motorcycle with a pink leather jacket and a giant stuffed Hello Kitty strapped to the seat behind her. It was freaky.

I was out on campus today and while walking from one area to another I came across two marching band practices on different fields. I despise walking past a marching because - despite never having been in one - I always feel the almost compulsive urge to match my steps to the beat of the drums. I end up looking like a) a complete mindless tool or b) a complete spazz stumbling at every step to try and not match the rhythm.

The TV was on today at the pool - a giant screen normally used during swimming matches but this time set up to show the Olympics. I was busy with the whole swimming/not drowning thing and didn't see much. It wasn't swimming, which is good since I would have felt really outclassed. And I was already feeling that from the girl in the next lane that swam like a freaking dolphin. And that was before she put on the flippers and started hydro-planing.

I've started transcribing my written beach story into a text file. It'll take me a long time, I think, and longer still to do the editing. In a way, it doesn't really matter. I wrote the story because it was one I wanted to tell. If I get it done and others enjoy it - so much the better. But it's mostly for me.


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