Thursday, October 08, 2009

chase, lunch

On the ride back from the awesome lunch burritos - we saw a high speed car chase on Market street. A police car was following a clearly out-matched van - and was in turn followed by a number of other verticals. No idea what was going on with that, but we kept an ear out in case they looped around. Also, not sure if I've mentioned this, but I no longer have to place my order at Chipotle. As I walk up to the counter, the highly efficient and friendly staff begins to prepare my order. Without any prompting from me, they complete the burrito and I only need to give a heartfelt thank-you before paying for my food. Yeah, if someone wanted to poison me it would be pretty easy to figure out what I'm eating in advance, but there are benefits to being predictable.

Also in the news... lunch is on again, this time for Monday. We'll see how this goes - I'm hoping it doesn't get canceled again. Though I personally think that would be pretty funny and wildly ironic.

Got a meeting in a few... later...

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