Sunday, May 20, 2007

flowers, visit, 17.28, wal-mart. movie

I'm sitting at home here on a Sunday afternoon - indoors. I was outside for a while, but after some massive sunburns in the past, I've learned my lesson and get my sunshine in small doses. And even though I'm inside, I can still smell the flowers through my open window. Better than any air freshener.

I visited my parents for Mother's day recently - had a nice time. Pretty low-key, sometimes that's the best way. We did a little yard work and took a trip to Walmart - otherwise, we just kinda hung out. My mom had a book on getting rid of clutter - after reading a few chapters I went and cleaned out my car.

Worked on a new origami project this weekend. Took apart some old diskettes and glued them to some paper. 12 sheets later and I had an origami model done. I'm not as pleased at the connections, but it is the most potentially intelligent model I've done. At 1.44 mb each (I didn't un-format them), the total memory for this project is about 17.28 mb.

I took a trip of my own to the local wal-mart - and suffered the consequence. First up, the lines were long enough that I was prompted to go to the self check-out. And the first item I tried to ring up scanned twice. So, I tried to void it out and had to wait for the clerk to clear it. Which she eventually did once she got back to her post. Not that she came over to check on things, mind you. I had a little trouble getting the DVD security to deactivate, but thought I got it. A quick debit card swipe and I was bagged and out of there - only to set off the alarm at the exit. I stopped and the guy at the door glanced in my bag, saw the CD storage case and asked if it was a camera. I replied that it was a cd storage case and he asked if I had a CD in there - i.e. was I shoplifting? I put a little tone in my voice and told him it was empty. Instead of checking my store or the rest of my bag or even looking at the receipt in my hand - he sent me on my way. Once again, the crack security at Wal-mart prevails. Now, I'd sooner gnaw off my own arm rather than shop-lift, but apparently I know how to do it now.

I watched a time travel movie with Denzel Washington last night called Deja Vu - which I think I may have seen before. (kidding!) It was a good flick - almost too intense. I had to stop watching a few times and let my brain cool down.

Guess that's about it for now. later...

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