Friday, March 13, 2009

dual, fan, swim, watchmen

I've been trying to get dual monitors set up on my work machine for a few weeks now.  My first try was a cable splitter that "should" have done the job.   No luck.  Even the computer repair guy couldn't get it going.   He suggested a new splitter cable - which we ordered.  That was delayed in shipping and when it finally came in it didn't work either.   Next, he thought it might be the DVI-D cables and that didn't work either.  Finally, he tried a new video card - which finally worked, but caused a "CPU Fan failure".    So, now the fan runs all the time.  At full power.  It's actually a nice breeze, but in time this will kill the fan.  He tried another fan and that was no different.   So, a replacement motherboard is on order and should be here Monday.  In the meantime, it's quite loud here.   But the dual monitor is very very cool.

I bought some new square-cut speedos and goggles recently and tried them out in the pool today.  The anti-fog coating on the goggles really helped - they also were tinted which was nice.   The speedos covered up the bits that are supposed to be covered up and that's about all that one can expect of them. 

I've been trying to mix up my swimming workout a bit with a goal of doing more and more of the crawl, but with more variation so I don't get burned out.   Today I went though all the strokes I know - including butterfly - and really mixed it up.  The variation made it easier to get through my 30 laps.  Of course, this afternoon I'm eating a bag of Chilli-Cheese Fritos - so I'm not turning into some kind of fitness nut.

I went and saw "Watchmen" the other day.   Really good flick - well done and thought provoking. Good vs. evil, hero vs. villain - and the vast gray areas between.  Big ideas - and also big special effects.  I wasn't in full "fan-boy" mode, but I enjoyed it.

Looking forward to shutting this loud beast down for the weekend and going home.  No big plans for me, just some video gaming and maybe a hike if the weather holds.


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