Thursday, October 30, 2008

TV, newspaper

The Obama infomercial was on last night - I didn't watch it though I've heard it was well done. Still, who was it directed at? The undecided voters? I have a difficult time understanding why someone - even after the inundation of the media - would still not have made up their mind. One argument I heard was that they wanted to have all the information before voting. Well, I have news for you. It's all lies. Or policital speak that sounds like truth depending on who you are. And as far as not really liking either of them - another argument I heard - well, it's not about liking them, it's about picking the one least likely to make things worse. I mean, seriously, make up your mind and go vote.

A few months ago - I guess it would have been sometime in the spring - I built a framework of wood and plexiglass and hung it over the urinal in the men's room so we could put the twice a week student paper there to read. You know, while we were "otherwise" occupied and standing there.

I made it my job to keep this up to date until the summer when the paper wasn't published. In the fall, I started up restocking it with new issues - but I noticed that the "old" paper wouldn't be there when I went to add the new one. It would just be an empty frame. It got so bad that the paper would be gone within a few hours. I decided that someone was either stealing it - which made no sense since the paper is free and easy to get - or they really didn't like the paper and was throwing it away.

I finally got tired of the futility of keeping it stocked and took the framework down a couple of days ago. The double-sided foam tape didn't come down well and each time I use that urinal, I take a moment and scrape a little more off.

Kinda disappointing. I dunno who was removing the papers - and I haven't asked since I didn't ask permission to put it up in the first place.

Work has been busy and frustrating today. Looking forward to tomorrow to make my annual rounds.


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