Thursday, October 30, 2008

TV, newspaper

The Obama infomercial was on last night - I didn't watch it though I've heard it was well done. Still, who was it directed at? The undecided voters? I have a difficult time understanding why someone - even after the inundation of the media - would still not have made up their mind. One argument I heard was that they wanted to have all the information before voting. Well, I have news for you. It's all lies. Or policital speak that sounds like truth depending on who you are. And as far as not really liking either of them - another argument I heard - well, it's not about liking them, it's about picking the one least likely to make things worse. I mean, seriously, make up your mind and go vote.

A few months ago - I guess it would have been sometime in the spring - I built a framework of wood and plexiglass and hung it over the urinal in the men's room so we could put the twice a week student paper there to read. You know, while we were "otherwise" occupied and standing there.

I made it my job to keep this up to date until the summer when the paper wasn't published. In the fall, I started up restocking it with new issues - but I noticed that the "old" paper wouldn't be there when I went to add the new one. It would just be an empty frame. It got so bad that the paper would be gone within a few hours. I decided that someone was either stealing it - which made no sense since the paper is free and easy to get - or they really didn't like the paper and was throwing it away.

I finally got tired of the futility of keeping it stocked and took the framework down a couple of days ago. The double-sided foam tape didn't come down well and each time I use that urinal, I take a moment and scrape a little more off.

Kinda disappointing. I dunno who was removing the papers - and I haven't asked since I didn't ask permission to put it up in the first place.

Work has been busy and frustrating today. Looking forward to tomorrow to make my annual rounds.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

snow, game, garage

It's snowing today here in Akron. Not a lot, just a little in the air. I was still okay in my lightweight jacket, but I may have to hang that up soon and switch to my winter coat. There have been a few people I've talked to that have been somewhat astonished at the snow - which has me thinking, "remembers last year? when it snowed? It's just like that." And seriously, it's Ohio. If we had a 90 degree temperatures in December in or snow in August, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised.

With my video game system back up and running, I've been going back through my games and replaying a few. Dawn of Mana didn't last long before I put it in the "to be sold" pile, but Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones is pretty good. I got stuck last time with a boss battle and lost my patience, but I'm giving it another go from the beginning and enjoying the acrobatics of the title character.

The costumes are essentially done - for both myself and my room-mate. Which means I can reclaim my half of the garage that had been designated as the spray paint area. Which is good since I despise scraping off my car in the winter. I mean, seriously despise. Can't stand it. Most hated part of winter. You see where I'm going with this. I'd rather drive in a freaking blizzard or shovel snow all day than scrape off my car in the morning.

Well, looks like I've got a couple disasters to deal with here at work - better get back to them.


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

mood, page, pizza

I'm in a better mood today. No headache - and it's pretty quiet in the office. Looking forward to a long lunch (the boss is out of town).

I updated my fortune cookie webpage today - I was 6 fortunes behind. I think I need to do something different with this page - it has the potential to get very long and unwieldy.

Went for pizza last night at CiCi's. The food was pretty good - but the place was almost dead. We were the last two customers in there and wondered if they would still announce "Cheese Pizza on the Buffet!" if there were no customers at all. (if a tree falls in the woods...?) It also appears that they don't always say good-bye to customers with a hearty "CiCi you later!" though all the employees said normal goodbyes when we left.

Not much going on here... later...

Monday, October 27, 2008

video game, ads, headache, water bottle

Finally got my video game system back up and running. Switched out the TV for my old one - I had been using one that my room-mate got from his dad's place. I was looking for a new stereo that would do the job of my old one - but they were either too expensive or didn't have the right connectors. So, ended up using an old audio receiver that my room-mate had. It all works, but it's not ideal. The DVD player doubles as the CD player. The cable TV sound can't play through the stereo speakers - it has to come out of the TV. But, I'm playing video games again and that's the important bit. Besides, who wants to watch TV anymore?

The political ads are getting worse. I saw one the other day that had a single mom begging us to vote Issue 6 - because she was going to lose her current job and her only hope was getting one of the 10,000 new jobs at the casino? Seriously? That's your only hope? A casino job? Right...

The news clips on the internet are worse. I saw one where a man was losing his job and was going to vote for Obama because he had a better economic policy. His wife was asked who she was voting for and she said "I'm voting for the one with the most faith in the Lord, just as everyone should,"
When asked what if that meant her husband would lose his job, she replied, "the Lord will provide for us," She also expressed astonishment that Obama's mother was an atheist - assuming that he should have been disqualified on that alone. I try to keep an open mind about religions and respect people's beliefs - but isn't there something about God helping those who help themselves? Or a separation of chuch and state in the constitution? There was more to the clip, but I couldn't watch it.

Worse still is the story of the girl with the McCain campaign who made up a story about being attacked by a scary black guy that was supporting Obama and carved a letter B in her cheek when he saw her McCain sticker on her car. Totally made up. She faked the whole thing and cut her own cheek (the B was backward even).

Finally, I saw a clip of a family at a McCain rally where they were all chanting Nobama over and over. Then the little girl pretended to be a monkey.

(crickets chirping)

Yes. It was exactly that bad. This election is really bringing out the worst in people - or maybe that has always been there and the election is just making it visible.

My neighbors put up another sign in their yard - "Another democrat for McCain". I have, thus far, resisted taking it down. Mainly because I would need to take down all the signs in my neighborhood to throw off suspicion. And because people are entitled to their own opinion - even if it's wrong.

In other news... I'm getting a headache this morning. Might be what's making me cranky. Can't tell yet if it's a migraine. If it does go that way, I'm so out of here. It's already been a Monday all morning.

Finally, I got a water bottle this weekend. Partly because the water bottle I get from Giant Eagle have been reported to have higher levels than usual of some toxins. It also makes sense from an environmental standpoint. I got the BPA free bottle at Dick's Sporting goods and while it looks cool, the only way to drink the water out of the spill-proof bottle is to bite down on the silicon end and suck the water via the straw in the bottle. It's kind of odd. But it works and I was able to drink 24 oz this morning - which means I need to hit the bathroom now.


Thursday, October 23, 2008

candidates and issues, costume, pumpkin

I just finished going through all the issues on the ballot for this year's election - as well as all the candidates. I wasn't as thoroughly prepared last time around and had to fall back on:
1) unseat the incumbent
2) go with the democrat
3) pick the woman (since I know how guys think and frankly, we really shouldn't be given any more power)

But that method didn't always work - so, I spent about an hour on the internet going through everything and taking notes. I'm ready to go this time around and should be in and out of the voting booth in record time.

I bought some more spray paint tonight for my room-mate's costume. I think I've put more work into this than he has - but I've got more experience and apparently more time. A few people at work are trying to get me to tell what my costume is - but I'm not breaking. They'll just have to wait.

Finally, got some photos of this year's jack-o-lanterns. Mine is the lower one - it's a smiley emoticon. Because I'm a geek.

30/33, pumpkin, object

I didn't have a lot of time yesterday for my swim, so I hauled ass in the pool. 30 laps, in 33 minutes. I don't know if that's a new record for me since I usually don't pay attention to the time, but it felt pretty fast.

Carved some pumpkins last night. Well, I mostly scooped out the guts and my room-mate did more of the carving. He did a pretty cool vampire face on his - on mine I did a smiley emoticon. It was clever, but not my idea. We tried to get some photos, but couldn't turn off the flash on his camera - time to read the manual, I guess.

And when I went outside around 10:00 to put something in my car, I saw... something.

There was a bright light in the sky - several times larger than a star. There was no shape to it, just a very bright light and a faint contrail behind it. It moved across the sky in a straight, horizontal line. Very very fast and totally silent. It flew over my head and I had to turn around to see it. And then it was gone.

I tried to talk to my room-mate about it - he's pretty much Mulder Jr. on the subject of UFO's - but he was strangely dismissive. Here I was, a Scully who's trying to believe and he writes it off as a shooting star. Then we got into a minor argument about sonic booms and I dropped the issue. Whatever it was, it was pretty weird.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

side effects, costume, frost

I was watching a bit of TV recently - which I've been trying to avoid until the election is over and the ads are stopped - and while I usually tune out the increasingly strident commercials in general, my attention was drawn to a new migraine medicine. It promised to offer relief - and then went on to list the dozens of potentially serious side effects. The side effects sounded terrible - and what about the poor people who helped test this stuff? I think I'd rather have a migraine.

My room-mate went in for allergy tests - the doctors thought there might be an allergy that is causing his occasional wheezing. According to the allergy clinic, he's allergic to a ton of different things. And the recommended "treatment" is 5 allergy shots every week for a year. And then five more every month for another year. He said the doctor has to be in the room when they give him the shot since it's essentially a dose of allergen and the the reaction could kill him. Potentially. The end results - after a couple years and thousands of dollars - will most likely be a lessening of the allergy. Maybe.

Sounds like the doctors and drug companies need to learn how to "help" and not hinder. Granted, hindering is more fun, but it's also kinda mean if you're serious about it.

I'm wrapping up my costume - just a couple more details to go. Also, I'm helping my room-mate with his costume again this year. It's more work, but I can make better use of the 'dry-times' by going back and forth. I'm really starting to get into the spirit of Halloween again - bought some candy last night and I think some pumpkin carving is in my near future.

Finally, I left my car out last night and this morning I had to scrape off the windshield. Winter is on the way...

That's it for now... later...

Monday, October 20, 2008

swim, work

I swam 45 laps (1.25 miles) today. And I seemed to have gotten some kind of second wind or something because I got faster as I went along. I'm pretty tired, but it was good.

The reason for this longer swim? I had a work issue. I generally try not to talk about work in this blog because that's one of the many delightful ways to get yourself fired. So, I'm going to be very vague about this.

I had a user that I worked with on a huge project. It's been well over a year since we started it and our team has put a lot of time and effort into getting the work down. The user seemed to be right there and right on track with us - but things got delayed in an approvals process. I sent a note today to check on the progress and found that they thought the tools we were using were in adequate for what they needed. And were essentially abandoning all the work we had done.

I was really fired up by this - at the massive waste of time. And I figured I could use this to set some new records in the pool. But as the bubbles rushed past my head and the laps added up - I realized that it was a little pointless to be upset by all this.

I didn't do anything wrong in the whole project, nor did I drop the ball or hinder the user at all. In every case, I worked to make things easier and faster and offered to help at every turn. That the user decided - at something beyond the last moment - to do something entirely different, well, nothing I can do about that. I stand by the work that the team did and I think the user is missing out on a great new site and a new tool to update things. I'm also a little curious as to how they will explain that to their bosses - 'cause this was very much not the plan.

I guess that's it for now - looking forward to getting out of here and relaxing at home - and maybe working on my costume a bit.


shoes, swim

I try, frequently, to not 'want' things. A casual association with material possessions seems to suit me better - and it's got a Buddhist feel to it. That's not to say that I don't purchase things that I enjoy, I just try to not get wrapped up in the ownership of them.

There are two exceptions to this - and one of those was completed this weekend. Converse shoes. I've long wanted a pair of converse shoes - just because they look so damn cool. But, every time I looked at them and looked at the prices, the sheer impracticality of spending that much money on shoes put me off. This weekend, however, I found that Target had them for $30. And in brown - which I think, as a geek, I can wear with my kaki's to work.

The other item is a truck. I think at some point in my life I should own a truck. Not really sure why - and that's a main reason I haven't bought one yet. What, exactly, does one need a truck for? Hauling stuff. And I don't do that very often. Even the times where I've purchased some lumber or something - well, the back seats of my car fold down and I can put a lot in there.

So, the impracticality of it seems to have stopped me. Along with the price, the fact I don't know how to drive a stick shift, and lack of fuel economy, size vs. parking issues, and the lessor passenger space.

In other news... I did a mile in the pool last Friday. Not a big deal, I've done that before. I think I was a little faster than usual and I felt stronger in the water than I usually do. The interesting part was how I felt after the swim. I felt... rested. Like I'd just had a really comfortable nap. A sort of "slightly groggy happy". Not what I would have expected after a long swim, but a good feeling.

That's it for now... later...

Sunday, October 19, 2008

happening, costume, true, game

I watched "the happening" last night. Mark Walberg... not a great actor. The movie was okay, but a little heavy handed at times. And the ending was a little predictable and a little flat. The effects were okay, so overall it was an okay movie.

Worked on my costume today - made some good progress. I'm helping my room-mate with his costume as well, we got some of the supplies today.

Reading a bit more of a book called "True Enough - Living in a Post Fact Society" - a study on media and information and how pretty much everything gets distorted. Very appropriate for an election time. I'm getting really tired of the ads on TV and the endless signs posted everywhere.

My video game set-up has taken a turn for the worse. The TV is no longer reliable and the picture keeps cutting out on the "more off" side of randomly on and off. And now it seems that the stereo has bought the farm as well. Not sure what my next step is here - I'm considering splurging and getting a new TV and a PS3 all at once. Not very likely for me though.

That's it for now - time for another coat of paint. later...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

time, ticket

I had a dream the night before last that a time machine appeared in front of me. I opened it up and got a good look at the workings of it with my suddenly photographic memory - and then it vanished. With a little help, I managed to build one myself from memory, but I hadn't seen the wiring or how the software worked. Fortunately, a version of me from the future showed up in a working time machine and fixed the wiring for me - and loaded a copy of the software from his machine into mine before he headed back to the future. So, I now had a working time machine - built pretty much on paradox.

My room-mate is head to Columbus today after work so that he can get up early, make it to the court house on time, and fight the speeding ticket he got. He read the prepared statement to me last night and I suggested he cut about 95% of it. I think he was a bit offended by that - but what I lack in legal experience I make up for in bullshit. I am well versed in that medium and have a talent for separating it out from actual valid content. Not that I always choose to do that, but I can at least recognize it. So, I wished him luck and reminded him to go to the ATM before he left. :)

That's it for now... later...

Sunday, October 12, 2008

atomic, wedding, life

I had a dream the other night that pretty much lasted all night. Now, I know that dreams only last a few moments and our brains try to fill in the gaps to make a story, but this time I kept waking up to go to the bathroom and falling right back into the same dream.

I was working at and giving a tour of a massive research facility powered by something we called "the atomic pile". Apparently, during one of the tours I was doing, the atomic pile went critical and was about to release a radiation cloud on the ground floor and out in the surrounding area. The group I was with was -at the time - on the basement level. I tried to keep order and suggested that we head down into the sub-sub-sub-basement levels that I knew had once been designated as a fall-out shelter. The group grew as we went along until there were a hundred of us or so. As we reached the entrance to the sub-basements, about half the group split off and decided they would risk staying at the basement level. I cautioned them that we didn't know how bad the radiation would be - but they angrily refused. The rest of us headed deeper into the facility and safety. However, we didn't have enough supplies for the size of the group. So, for the next few weeks, I led what I hoped were peaceful missions to the basement level for more supplies - since that group has more than enough. Each time, though, they got more and aggressive and the radiation started to affect them mentally. Finally, it degenerated into a series of attacks and counter-attacks - with me at the lead since I was the only one that knew the access codes to the lower levels. In our last mission before I woke up, I had lead a team for supplies and we were ambushed. I had what I thought was a flare gun with me and fired it - hoping to startle the crazed basement level group. Instead, it was a gas gun and I ended up incapacitating one of my own crew.

When it was finally time to get up in the morning, I was relieved and exhausted from my night's sleep. I think it was a combination of the "Time Machine" (crazed morlocks?) - and "Lost" (with me as Dr. Jack Shepard.)

I went to a wedding over the weekend and ended up helping with much of the decorations. I was one of the few designated "tall dudes" and helped with hanging lights and tule. I did a lot of the work on this - but balked at the decorations that needed to be hung from the rafters of the lodge where the reception was being held. If there was a child up there, trapped and in danger, then I would easily brave the heights. For lights and tule? No freaking way.

The wedding itself was okay - though it was held outdoors and started almost 45 mintues late. We were sitting in the sun - fending off heatstroke and bees - and when it finally started, the minister did not make any friends in the crowd with his long winded and frankly fairly negative commentary. "through the good and bad" leaning toward the bad. I dunno what was up with that.

I helped again with moving the chairs in and dinner started pretty late since the photographer got lost. I ended up with a headache and didn't do much partying. Plus, the DJ played the same music you hear at every wedding. I mean, really, there's like a billion songs out there - something other than the "Electric slide" would have been awesome.

Finally, I hung out with my room-mate's niece and nephew for a bit this weekend. There was some family strife going on and I did my best to keep them distracted. We did a little origami and play the "Game of Life". The rules were a bit different than I remembered. For one, there were more stops on the board to do things like draw a career card and decide on family paths. One of the kids drew the "Doctor" card and it looked like he would have the clear advantage. I got the Lawyer card and did pretty well though the game. The other player - despite having a lower paying career at the start and switching jobs several times - ended up landing on a lot of the "Life" spaces - gaining a stack of Life cards for things like taking a trip or meeting famous people. When all was said and done, the Doctor came in last - his salary wasn't enough to beat my middle of the road. His sister - with her stack of life cards - won the game by a landslide once the cards were translated into a monitary value.

The doctor and the lawyer lost the game to someone who had a far more interesting life. It was interesting to me and I tried to convey that to the kids - almost a life lesson that the most money didn't always mean the most sucessful life.

I was reminded a bit of one of my co-workers - who, despite being my age almost exactly, has had this far more hugely intersting life - filled with adventure and world travel and a collection of friends that would be too implausible for even a sitcom. I think I envy that a bit. Not that my life sucks or anything, but it is far more low key. Of course, I am then reminded of Mr. Adventure in Star Trek 3 who complains to Uhura that his life as a transporter technician is far too low key - right before she pulls a phaser on him and locks him in the closet. Adventure can be fun - but not always.

Not looking forward to work tomorrow - I think I will have far more than my usual level of disasters to repair tomorrow.

that's it for now...

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

RF, debate, music

Well, I replaced the RF Modulator on my video game/TV set up - thinking it would fix the problem with the screen going blank while playing a game and then randomly coming back up either on it's own or after I jiggled the wires. It worked, for about a minute, before the problem returned. I tried a couple more things, then plugged the cable right from the wall into the TV. This failed - leading me to believe the TV is going bad. Then it started working - and refused to fail after that.

I have the computer set up opposite the TV and while playing a computer game I was able to watch the screen with a carefully placed reflective CD. I had the sound turned down so I didn't actually have to pay attention.

The reason? The debate was on last night. And if it wasnt' the debate, it was the endless and truly vile political commercials. I'm to the point where, unless they have authenticated footage of a candidate eating a baby, I'm really not going to be moved to change any of my political decisions. I'm amazed when I see the polls that a lot of people are still on the fence about the big election. Weird.

So, once I was done with my testing for the evening, I switched to the room with the better stereo and listened to the cable tv music stations and worked on a project. Far better than the debate.

that's it for now... later...

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

sign, pants

I decided not to take down the signs for McCain/Palin for a variety of reasons. Most importantly, it would defeat the purpose of a free election - that we are all entitled to our opinions and ideas and allowed to vote for whomever we choose. No matter how wrong that choice might be. Plus, the signs are essentially meaningless - I mean, does the presence of a sign in someone's yard influence another person's vote? It's the yard-based equivalent of a bumper sticker, except that most people take down the signs after the election. I still see bumper stickers for Bush/Cheney on cars all the time.

I've been listening to a song called - "I'd start a revolution if I could get up in the morning" by Aimee Allen. It's a good tune and I can relate to it - especially this morning. I overslept and woke up tired anyway. While getting dressed, I for some reason started with my shirt. After exhaustively doing up all the buttons, I looked at my pants laying on the bed and contemplated the zipper, button, and belt - and half-seriously wondered if I could skip the pants today since it seemed like far too much work. Rational thought won out - as it usually does with me - and I put on my pants.

Dunno what's up with me - but I think I could use some coffee or something...


Friday, October 03, 2008

mana, ticket

I recently bought some Mana: Magic Potions from Think Geek. Unlike the video game equivalent - these were supposed to be energy drinks. They came in cool bottles and I thought they might help with my swimming at lunch time. The website had a warning though - those with a niacin deficiency might experience a "niacin flush" - red, itchy skin for 20 minutes as a result of capillary action and a histamine response. Undaunted, I drank half the potion in one gulp.

1/2 an hour later, no effect. So, at least I'm not niacin deficient. A bit later and I finish off the potion. It smells funny and tastes like an undefined citrus that is very sour.

Still nothing. I go for my swim and notice a very very slight boost in energy - which I attribute to a placebo effect and a very very slight dizziness - which could have been caused by my lack of oatmeal that I usually have.

Nothing really bad - but not really anything good. Whatever performance boost I got was minor at best. Disappointing, but at least my skin didn't turn red.

In other news... my room-mate has been traveling for business. In one week, he's gotten not one, but two speeding tickets. He hasn't had one in ten years - partly because of his radar detector and partly because he knows the areas locally where the cops hide. He's already plead guilty to one, but plans to fight the second one based on some inconsistencies on the ticket. I've wished him luck, but I think his chances are slim. He's mostly worried about his insurance going up - and the points on his liscence. And the fines... well, I guess he's worried about the whole thing.

Got a meeting in a few. I'm still hoping for some kind of magical powers to surface, but I think it's unlikely at this point.


sign, cold, tv, errands

The neighbors in the other half of the duplex put up a McCain Palin sign. Or it was put in their yard for them - I dunno which is the case. Anyway, it annoys me to the point where I'm going to sneak outside sometime this weekend and steal/destroy it. Sneak because I like this people and really don't want to get into a political debate with them. Destroy because if I have to look at that thing every time I look outside my front window from now until election day, I will lose it. I think I may have to take down the only other one on the street as well, just so it doesn't look too obvious. I've considered taking it to the Republican headquarters to see if I can trade it in for an Obama one, but I suspect the humor would be lost on them.

It was chilly last evening - I closed the windows before I went to bed last night. Looks like summer is fading...

The RF adapter for my video game tv is going bad. Meaning, in the middle of the game, the picture may just vanish. I can usually fiddle with the wires to restore it, but it's only temporary. Annoying? You bet.

I ran a bunch of errands last night - got a lot done, but didn't get home until nearly 7:00. Spent a lot of time waiting in lines...

Not much else to report... later...

Thursday, October 02, 2008


I had a dream last night that I was back in high school, except that technology to exploit fractals and multi-dimensional space was commonplace. So, location was influenced by the motion used to access that space and things could be vastly larger on the inside than on the outside. So, my entire high school was in a small area of a small office building. I got in the elevator with a girl from one of my classes and we both laughed when the elevator had flip over twice to get the correct orientation to access the high school.

We were early and went to the cafeteria - which looked the size of a closet on the outside but was big enough to seat 300 on the inside. I got a small box of cereal that replenished itself from a storage area, some juice, and a cup of hot water. Rotating my wrist a certain way allowed me to pluck a tea bag from a personal storage area and we sat down. We were joined another classmate who pulled on the fractal edge of the table to stretch it out and make room. He was complaining about how he couldn't get things papers out of his notebook. I asked if it was broken or if he had forgotten the hand gestures needed access the various spaces inside.

He angrily replied he had forgotten the gestures for the correct areas and I suggested he just try all the common ones to get all the papers out, and then refile them. His vague refusal to do that then earned a shared glance from the girl and I - it was rumored at the school that he was selling drugs and that the paperwork he couldn't find was related to the sales. We then went to class.

After school, the girl offered me a ride home. On the way, we stopped to rescue a guy who had fallen in a fractal hole "filled" with water. He had managed to find an infinite supply of air so he wouldn't drown, but still needed help getting out. I invited the girl in for a snack and she was amazed at how nice the house was. The guy on the first floor in the living room was my father (though nothing like my real dad) was on some kind of holo-phone talking to someone for business and ignored us.

I mentioned that it was an older house, built not long after the fractal tech had been developed and that the builders had shown off by only making one door on the second floor. Depending on how you turned the knob, you would access different room. I explained to her that later homes had multiple doors to access the rooms since in that house, you couldn't ever leave the door open and it tended to isolate. I then told her that my parents kept forgetting how old I was and kept assuming that I had already moved out and was in college - to the point where they kept moving all my stuff in my bedroom down to the basement storage area. We shared a small laugh - but she could tell it really bothered me.

It was time for her to go so her own parents wouldn't worry and I settled in to do some homework. I woke up when I heard her car start up to leave.

Very weird, very detailed, and very consistent within it's own parameters. I was a little disappointed to wake up.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

20, usb, swim

One of the staff members in my optometrist's office recommended following the 20/20/20 rule: After 20 minutes of looking at a computer screen, look 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Since I seem to be getting more headaches than usual, I have decided to give it a try with a little timer on my desktop that goes off every 20 minutes. A few things I've noticed since I started doing this:

1. Working here in the cube farm it's difficult to find anything interesting to look at 20 feet away. Even standing up, it's still damn boring. I need to put up some Hello Kitty stickers or something near the ceiling in some key areas that I can look at every 20 minutes.

2. Even though it's a short break, it still feels like the day is broken down into 20 minute chunks - which is not a bad thing. Makes the time seem to go faster.

3. The chime on the timer is not the most annoying sound I know - but it's pretty close.

In other news... I tried to help my room-mate get some new vechicle icons downloaded onto his Garmin - except the darn thing has a non-standard USB connector that the cables we have don't fit. What the hell are they doing re-inventing a USB cable? And why? So, I'm on a quest to find a cable that will work - and I'm really hoping that it won't require some kind of custom and therefore really expensive cable. Wankers.

My swim today was a good one - I tried a little freestyle (which is really draining for some reason) and a little Butterfly. I can do the arm motion okay on the butterfly, but the kick is without any power. I'm used to a surge of motion with the breaststroke kick and the kick with the butterfly does nothing for me. I must be doing it wrong.

Almost time to go home for the day. Looking forward to working on the costume and playing some video games - especially Lego Batman.
